↑ ↑ Photograph on March 8, 2017 → → A large size picture (picture-0108-4.8MB.jpg) * On Jan. 6, there was a workshop on hadron tomography at J-PARC and KEKB. ================================================================================ KEK theory center workshop on Hadron and Nuclear Physics in 2017 (KEK-HN-2017) January 7 - 10, 2017, Kobayashi Hall, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan http://research.kek.jp/group/hadron10/kek-hn-2017/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Organizers: Akinobu Dote, Kazunori Itakura, Hiroyuki Kamano Shunzo Kumano*, Osamu Morimatsu (KEK) * Corresponding organizer Advisory Committee: Masayuki Asakawa (Osaka Univ), Kenji Fukushima (Tokyo Univ) Masayasu Harada (Nagoya Univ), Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN) Yoshitaka Hatta (Kyoto Univ, YITP), Satoru Hirenzaki (Nara Women's Univ) Atsushi Hosaka (Osaka Univ, RCNP), Yuji Koike (Niigata Univ) Teiji Kunihiro (Kyoto Univ), Makoto Oka (Tokyo Tech/JAEA) Shoichi Sasaki (Tohoku Univ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 7 (Saturday) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8:30 - 9:10 Registration Chair: Osamu Morimatsu (KEK/J-PARC) 9:10 - 9:20 Organizer, Shunzo Kumano (KEK/J-PARC) Welcome (Kumano-2017-0107.pdf) 9:20 - 10:00 (30+10) Atsushi Hosaka (Osaka University) Charmed baryons - productions and decays - (Hosaka-2017-0107.pdf) 10:00 - 10:40 (30+10) Hiroyuki Noumi (Osaka University/KEK) Charmed-hadron physics and physics of hadron-hall extension at J-PARC (Noumi-2017-0107.pdf) 10:40 - 11:10 coffee Chair: Kiyoshi Tanida (JAEA) 11:10 - 11:50 (30+10) Bing-Song Zou (Institute of Theoretical Physics) Heavy exotic hadrons (Zou-2017-0107.pdf) 11:50 - 12:30 (30+10) Kenkichi Miyabayashi (Nara Women's University) Heavy exotic hadrons at KEKB (Miyabayashi-2017-0107.pdf) 12:30 - 13:30 lunch Chair: Makoto Takizawa (Showa Pharmaceutical University/KEK) 13:30 - 14:00 (25+5) Sachiko Takeuchi (Japan College of Social Work) Y(4260) is an authentic resonance? (Takeuchi-2017-0107.pdf) 14:00 - 14:30 (25+5) Sadaharu Uehara (KEK) Light-hadron spectroscopy with two-photon and other processes at Belle (Uehara-2017-0107.pdf) Chair: Munehisa Ohtani (Kyorin University) 14:30 - 15:00 (25+5) Ralf Seidl (RIKEN) Fragmentation measurements in Belle (Seidl-2017-0107.pdf) 15:00 - 15:30 (25+5) Cungwen Kao (Chung Yuan Christian University) Dihadron fragmentation functions in chiral models (Kao-2017-0107.ppt) 15:30 - 17:30 coffee, Poster session Ahmad Jafar Afiri (Osaka University) Systematic study of charmed baryon decay Rui Chen (Osaka University) Is the newly reported X(5568) a B-Kbar molecular state? Takashi Ezoe (Osaka University) Kaon-Nucleon systems in the Skyrme model Kouhei Hanzawa (Graduate U for Advanced Studies/KEK) Two-charmed-baryons system on one boson exchange potential model Norihiko Kamata (Tohoku University) Discretization effects beyond the tree-level in lattice Yang-Mills gradient flow Mamiya Kawaguchi (Nagoya University) Charged pions probing Strong CP violation in chiral-imbalance medium Kazuki Nochi (Tohoku University) Lattice study of charmonium p otentials from Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes Aaron Park (Yonsei University) Heptaquarks with two heavy antiquarks in a simple chromomagnetic model Noriyuki Sogabe (Keio University) New dynamic critical phenomena in?nuclear and quark superfluids Qin-Tao Song (Graduate U for Advanced Studies/KEK) Estimate on tensor-polarization asymmetry for proton-deuteron Drell-Yan process at Fermilab Daiki Suenaga (Nagoya University) Spectral function for excited Dbar meson as the signal of partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the nuclear matter Natsuki Tsukamoto (Tohoku University) Model independent analysis on the data of nucleon form factors in lattice QCD near the physical point Dan Zhou (Beihang University/Osaka University) K*(892) resonnace in finite volume 17:45 - 19:45 Get-together party -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 8 (Sunday) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chair: Kenji Fukushima (Tokyo University) 9:00 - 9:40 (30+10) Jacobus Verbaarschot (Stony Brook University) Random matrix theory and strong interactions (Verbaarschot-2017-0108.pdf) 9:40 - 10:20 (30+10) Andreas Schaefer (University of Regensburg) QCD with a magnetic background field (Schaefer-2017-0108.pdf) 10:20 - 10:50 coffee Chair: Kazunori Itakura (KEK/J-PARC) 10:50 - 11:30 (30+10) Igor Shovkovy (Arizona State University) Physics of strong magnetic field (Shovkovy-2017-0108.pdf) 11:30 - 12:00 (25+5) Koichi Hattori (Fudan University) Transport phenomena in strong magnetic fields (Hattori-2017-0108.pptx) 12:00 - 12:30 (25+5) Kei Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Heavy hadron physics in a magnetic field (Suzuki-2017-0108.pdf) 12:30 - 13:30 lunch Chair: Yuji Goto (RIKEN) 13:30 - 14:10 (30+10) Oleg Teryaev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Coordinate vs momentum space tomography of hadrons (Teryaev-2017-0108.pdf) 14:10 - 14:50 (30+10) Wen-Chen Chang (Acadmia Sinica) High-energy hadron physics at J-PARC (Chang-2017-0108.pdf) 14:50 - 15:20 coffee Chair: Kazuhiro Tanaka (Juntendo University/KEK) 15:20 - 16:00 (30+10) Mark Strikman (Pennsylvania State University) Cracking short-range nuclear structure with high energy probes (Strikman-2017-0108.pdf) 16:00 - 16:40 (30+10) Jen-Chieh Peng (University of Illinois) Lepton Angular Distributions in the Drell-Yan Process (Peng-2017-0108.pdf) 16:40 - 17:20 (30+10) Yoshitaka Hatta (Kyoto University) How to measure the gluon orbital angular momentum in the nucleon (Hatta-2017-0108.pptx) 17:20 - 17:50 (25+5) Matthias Berwein (Tohoku University) NNLO calculation of the Polyakov loop (Berwein-2017-0108.pdf) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 9 (Monday) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chair: Teiji Kunihiro (Kyoto University) 9:00 - 9:40 (30+10) Su Houng Lee (Yonsei University) Hadron properties in nuclear medium (Lee-2017-0108.pptx) 9:40 - 10:20 (30+10) Masayasu Harada (Nagoya University) Charmed meson masses in medium based on effective chiral models (Harada-M-2017-0109.pdf) 10:20 - 10:50 coffee Chair: Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN) 10:50 - 11:30 (30+10) Satoru Hirenzaki (Nara Women's University) Meson properties from mesic atoms and mesic nuclei (Hirenzaki-2017-0109.pdf) 11:30 - 12:10 (30+10) Kei Iida (Kochi University) Neutron star physics -Fifty years after the discovery- (Iida-2017-0109.pdf) 12:10 - 13:10 lunch Chair: Yasushi Nara (Akita International University) 13:10 - 13:50 (30+10) Huichao Song (Peking University) Soft physics in relativistic heavy ion collisions (Song-2017-0109.pdf) 13:50 - 14:30 (30+10) Masakiyo Kitazawa (Osaka University/KEK) Heavy-ion physics at J-PARC (Kitazawa-2017-0109.pptx) 14:30 - 15:10 (30+10) Takumi Doi (RIKEN) Bayron-baryon interaction from lattice QCD (Doi-2017-0109.pdf) 15:10 - 15:40 coffee Chair: Hirotsugu Fujii (Tokyo University) 15:40 - 16:10 (25+5) Toru Harada (Osaka Electro-Communication University) Production of SigmaNN quasibound states (Harada-T-2017-0109.pdf) 16:10 - 16:40 (25+5) Yu Maezawa (Kyoto University) Determination of fundamental parameters in QCD from lattice simulations (Maezawa-2017-0109.pdf) 16:40 - 17:10 (25+5) Aiichi Iwazaki (Nishogakusha University) Chiral symmetry breaking by monopole condensation (Iwazaki-2017-0109.pdf) 17:10 - 17:40 (25+5) Sho Ozaki (Keio University) QCD Kondo effect from CFT (Ozaki-2017-0109.pdf) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 10 (Tuesday) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chair: Megumi Naruki (Kyoto University) 9:00 - 9:40 (30+10) Hirokazu Tamura (Tohoku University) Strangeness hadron physics at J-PARC (Tamura-2017-0110.pdf) 9:40 - 10:20 (30+10) Igor Strakovsky (George Washington University) Physics perspectives for future K-long facility (Strakovsky-2017-0110.pdf) 10:20 - 11:00 coffee Chair: Hiroyuki Kamano (KEK) 11:00 - 11:40 (30+10) Terry Mart (University of Indonesia) Hunting for nucleon resonances by using kaon photoproduction (Mart-2017-0110.pdf) 11:40 - 12:20 (30+10) Toru Sato (Osaka University/KEK) Neutrino-nucleon interactions in the few-GeV region (Sato-2017-0110.pdf) 12:20 - 13:10 lunch Chair: Yoshinori Akaishi (RIKEN) 13:10 - 13:50 (30+10) Akinobu Dote (KEK/J-PARC) Theoretical study of the gK-pph system: Prototype system of kaonic nuclei (Dote-2017-0110.pdf) 13:50 - 14:20 (25+5) Satoshi Nakamura (Osaka University) Extracting low-energy eta-nucleon scattering amplitude from gamma d -> eta n p data (Nakamura-2017-0110.pptx) 14:20 - 14:30 (10) Adjorn ================================================================================