
                          Third circular
                  KEK theory center workshop on
         Hadron and Nuclear Physics in 2017 (KEK-HN-2017)
     January 7 - 10, 2017, Kobayashi Hall, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan


The KEK theory center workshop on Hadron and Nuclear Physics in 2017
will be held from January 7 to January 10, 2017 at Kobayashi Hall, KEK, 
Tsukuba, Japan. This workshop is intended to discuss recent progress 
on hadron physics. Anticipated topics are listed in the following 
"Discussion topics"; however, any interesting new ideas are welcome 
from both theorists and experimentalists. We welcome international 
participants and experimentalists.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshop.

Local Organizers: Akinobu Dote, Kazunori Itakura, Hiroyuki Kamano
                  Shunzo Kumano*, Osamu Morimatsu (KEK)
                  * Corresponding organizer
Advisory Committee: Masayuki Asakawa (Osaka Univ), Kenji Fukushima (Tokyo Univ)
       Masayasu Harada (Nagoya Univ), Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN)
       Yoshitaka Hatta (Kyoto Univ, YITP), Satoru Hirenzaki (Nara Women's Univ)
       Atsushi Hosaka (Osaka Univ, RCNP), Yuji Koike (Niigata Univ)
       Teiji Kunihiro (Kyoto Univ), Makoto Oka (Tokyo Tech/JAEA)
       Shoichi Sasaki (Tohoku Univ)

Workshop site
Kobayashi Hall, 1st Floor, Kenkyu-Honkan building
Tsukuba campus
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
1-1, Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801, Japan
	KEK homepage: http://www.kek.jp/en/ForResearcher/
	Access to KEK: http://www.kek.jp/en/CometoKEK/
	Campus map: http://www.kek.jp/en/ForResearcher/KEKMap/
	Kobayashi hall: https://stw.kek.jp/stpg/html/kaigishitsu/img/KobayashiHall.jpg
	Lounge: https://stw.kek.jp/stpg/html/kaigishitsu/img/K-H-Lobby.jpg

Scientific program (preliminary)
The following is a preliminary program, and it will be updated at 

*** Tentative program (v.2016-12-12) ***
January 7 (Saturday)
8:30 - 9:10 Registration
Chair: Osamu Morimatsu (KEK/J-PARC)
   Organizer, Shunzo Kumano (KEK/J-PARC)
   Atsushi Hosaka (Osaka University) 
      Charmed bayrons
   Hiroyuki Noumi (Osaka University/KEK)
      Charmed-hadron physics and physics of hadron-hall extension at J-PARC
Chair: Kiyoshi Tanida (JAEA)  
   Bing-Song Zou (Institute of Theoretical Physics)
      Heavy exotic hadrons
   Kenkichi Miyabayashi (Nara Women's University) 
      Heavy exotic hadrons at KEKB
Chair: Makoto Takizawa (Showa Pharmaceutical University/KEK)
   Sachiko Takeuchi (Japan College of Social Work)
      Y(4260) is an authentic resonance?
   Sadaharu Uehara (KEK)
      Two-photon physics and light-hadron spectroscopy at KEKB
Chair: Munehisa Ohtani (Kyorin University)
   Ralf Seidl (Riken) 
      Fragmentation functions at KEKB
   Cungwen Kao (Chung Yuan Christian University) 
      Dihadron fragmentation functions in chiral models

15:30 - 17:30 Poster session
   Ahmad Jafar Afiri (Osaka University)
      Systematic study of charmed baryon decay
   Rui Chen (Osaka University)
      Is the newly reported X(5568) a B-Kbar molecular state?
   Takashi Ezoe (Osaka University)
      Kaon-Nucleon systems in the Skyrme model
   Kouhei Hanzawa (Graduate U for Advanced Studies/KEK)
      Two-charmed-baryons system on one boson exchange potential model
   Norihiko Kamata (Tohoku University) 
      Discretization effects beyond the tree-level in lattice Yang-Mills gradient flow
   Mamiya Kawaguchi (Nagoya University)
      Charged pions probing Strong CP violation in chiral-imbalance medium
   Kazuki  Nochi (Tohoku University)
      Lattice study of charmonium p otentials from Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes
   Aaron Park (Yonsei University)
      Heptaquarks with two heavy antiquarks in a simple chromomagnetic model
   Noriyuki Sogabe (Keio University)
      New dynamic critical phenomena in?nuclear and quark superfluids
   Qin-Tao Song (Graduate U for Advanced Studies/KEK)
      Estimate on tensor-polarization asymmetry for proton-deuteron Drell-Yan process at Fermilab.
   Daiki Suenaga (Nagoya University) 
      Spectral function for excited Dbar meson as the signal of partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the nuclear matter
   Natsuki Tsukamoto (Tohoku University)
      Reconsideration of the method for analysis on nucleon form factors towards highly accurate determination of the proton radius.
   Dan Zhou (Beihang University/Osaka University)
      K*(892) resonnace in finite volume

17:45 - 19:45  Get-together party
January 8 (Sunday)
Begin 9:00
Chair: Kenji Fukushima (Tokyo University)
   Jacobus Verbaarschot (Stony Brook University)
      Random matrix theory
   Andreas Schaefer (University of Regensburg)
      Hadron physics from lattice QCD
Chair: Kazunori Itakura (KEK/J-PARC)
   Igor Shovkovy (Arizona State University) 
      Physics of strong magnetic field
   Koichi Hattori (Fudan University) 
      Transport phenomena in strong magnetic fields
   Kei Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
      Heavy hadron physics in a magnetic field
Chair: Yuji Goto (RIKEN)
   Oleg Teryaev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
      Coordinate vs momentum space tomography of hadrons
   Wen-Chen Chang (Acaedmia Sinica)
      High-energy hadron physics at J-PARC
Chair: Kazuhiro Tanaka (Juntendo University/KEK)
   Mark Strikman (Pennsylvania State University)
      Hard phenomena in hadron-nucleus scattering
   Jen-Chieh Peng (University of Illinois)
      Dimuon experiments
   Yoshitaka Hatta (Kyoto University)
      How to measure the gluon orbital angular momentum in the nucleon
   Matthias Berwein (Tohoku University)
      NNLO calculation of the Polyakov loop
End 17:50 
January 9 (Monday)
Begin 9:00
Chair: Teiji Kunihiro (Kyoto University)
   Su Houng Lee (Yonsei University)
      Hadron properties in nuclear medium    
   Masayasu Harada (Nagoya University)
      Charmed meson masses in medium based on an effective chiral model 
Chair: Tetsuo Hatsuda (Riken)
   Satoru Hirenzaki (Nara Women's University)
      Meson properties from mesic atoms and mesic nuclei
   Kei Iida (Kochi University)
      Neutron star physics 
Chair: Yasushi Nara (Akita International University)
   Huichao Song (Peking University)
      High-energy nuclear collisions and hydrodynamics
   Masakiyo Kitazawa (Osaka University/KEK)
      Heavy-ion physics at J-PARC
   Takumi Doi (Riken)
      Bayron-baryon interaction from lattice QCD
Chair: (TBA)
   Toru Harada (Osaka Electro-Communication University)
      Production of SigmaNN quasibound states
   Yu Maezawa (Kyoto University)
      Determination of fundamental parameters in QCD from lattice simulations
   Aiichi Iwazaki (Nishogakusha University)
      Chiral symmetry breaking by monopole condensation
   Sho Ozaki (Keio University)
      QCD Kondo effect from CFT
End 17:40
January 10 (Tuesday)
Begin 9:00
Chair: (TBA)
   Hirokazu Tamura (Tohoku University)
      Strangeness hadron physics at J-PARC
   Igor Strakovsky (George Washington University)
      Physics perspectives for future K-long facility
Chair: Hiroyuki Kamano (KEK)
   Terry Mart (University of Indonesia)
      Hunting for nucleon resonances by using kaon photoproduction
   Toru Sato (Osaka University/KEK)
      Neutrino-nucleon interactions in the few-GeV region
Chair: Yoshinori Akaishi (RIKEN)
   Akinobu Dote (KEK/J-PARC)
      Koanic nuclei 
   Satoshi Nakamura (Osaka University)
      Extracting eta-nucleon scattering amplitude from gamma d -> eta n p
End 14:30

Registration fee
The registration fee is 4000-yen (3000-yen for students and
postdocs who do not have own financial resource) including 
the fee for a get-together party and coffee. The payment should 
be done at the registration desk of the workshop with CASH 
(Japanese Yen) only. Please note that the registration fee cannot 
be supported for all the participants due to a KEK regulation 
because it is for the banquet, coffee, and snacks.

We have limited financial support of local expenses especially 
for young scientists who do not have own financial resource. 

Presentations, Proceedings
Presentations will be posted online. Please provide us the pdf
or ppt file of your presentation during the workshop. If your
pdf or ppt file is ready before the workshop, please send it
to kek-hn-2017(AT)ml.post.kek.jp [(AT)--->@].
We do not publish proceedings.

Registration deadline
*** December 18, 2016 (Sunday) ***

Pre-workshop meeting
Workshop on hadron tomography at J-PARC and KEKB
   January 6, 2017, 
   Seminar Hall, 4th Building 1F, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
If you participate in this meeting in addition to the workshop
on Jan.7-10, please inform the organizer (shunzo.kumano(AT)kek.jp).
The registration can be included in the registration form of 
the Jan.7-10 workshop by changing your arrival date.

Registration of foreign participants
If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please send
the following form by email to kek-hn-2017(AT)ml.post.kek.jp.

***** If you need a visa to enter Japan, please get in touch with

----------------------------------- cut -----------------------------------
%%% For foreign participants
subject: registration, Hadron and Nuclear Physics in 2017
to kek-hn-2017(AT)ml.post.kek.jp

[Personal Information]
1. First name:
2. Middle name:
3. Family name:
4. E-mail:
(This e-mail address becomes your KEK user ID)
5. Date of Birth: (Y/M/D):
6. Nationality:
7. Gender:

[Contact Information]
1. Home address:
2. Phone Number:
3. Alternate e-mail
4. Emergency Contact Person (usually family member):
5. Emergency Contact Phone number:

[Affiliation Information]
1. Affiliation:
2. Department/Division:
3. Address:
4. Title/Position:
5. Phone Number:
6. Fax Number:

[Schedule etc.]
1. Arrival date and airport :
2. Departure date and airport:
3. Do you participate in the party on January 7th?  Yes/No
4. Do you have a dietary restriction? If yes, please explain.
5. Would you like to make a presentation? Yes/No
   If yes, please indicate your preference. Oral/Poster
   Title of your presentation: 
   Abstract (a few lines):

[KEK dorm or hotel]
We recommend the Urban hotel for your stay.

1. Prefer to stay at KEK dorm or a nearby Urban hotel <--- choose one
2. Please provide the arrival and departure dates if different from
   the ones in [Schedule].

(Urban hotel) http://www.urbanhotel.co.jp/index_en.html
    It is about 15-min walk to the Urban hotel from KEK.
    There will be a transportation between the hotel and KEK
    at the beginning and the end of the workshop everyday.
    *** Please make a reservation by yourself from the hotel website. ***
    (We recommend type C which is newer than those of A and B.)
    Single room about 6,300yen/ per night (type C)
    From the hotel web page:
        Conference name: Hadron and Nuclear Physics in 2017
        Password: http://research.kek.jp/group/hadron10/kek-hn-2017/hotel-pass.txt

(KEK dormitory) http://www2.kek.jp/uskek/eng/visiting/dormitory.html
    We will make a reservation.
    Please choose [single room with bath and toilet] or [single room without bath/toilet]
    KEK dormitory with bath and toilet : 2,000yen/ per night
    KEK dormitory no bath/toilet : 1,500yen/ per night

[Lunch box]
We recommend to order lunch boxes.
(Jan. 6   Yes / No)   for pre-workshop meeting participants of Jan.6.
Jan. 7   Yes / No 
Jan. 8   Yes / No 
Jan. 9   Yes / No 
Jan. 10  Yes / No 
* We recommend you to take the lunch boxes.
  A lunch box costs about 600 yen.
* Do you have a dietary restriction? If yes, please explain.
* Jan.6 lunch box is for those who participate in the pre-workshop 
  meeting on hadron tomography
  http://research.kek.jp/group/hadron10/tomography-201701/ .
  If you are interested in the topic, you may join the meeting
  by informing your participation to the organizer (shunzo.kumano(AT)kek.jp).

----------------------------------- cut -----------------------------------

Registration of Japanese participants
Please make your KEK-web registration as explained in the document
If you need KEK support, please proceed the web registration by assuming 
the support. We will decide the support just after the deadline (November 27 
and will inform you. If you request the KEK support, please stay at the KEK 
dormitory. However, if you wish to stay at an outside hotel, you may follow 
the document
http://research.kek.jp/group/hadron10/kek-hn-2017/regist_kek_hn_2017.pdf (pages 10-11).
The financial support is intended mainly for young scientists who do not
have own fund. If you have your own financial source, we hope that 
you use it if possible.

Please also send the following information to kek-hn-2017(AT)ml.post.kek.jp.

----------------------------------- cut -----------------------------------
%%% For Japanese participants
subject: registration, Hadron and Nuclear Physics in 2017
to kek-hn-2017(AT)ml.post.kek.jp

Name:          First name  Last name

[Schedule etc.]
1. Arrival date:
2. Departure date:
3. Do you participate in the party on January 7th?  Yes/No
4. Do you have a dietary restriction? If yes, please explain.
5. Would you like to make a presentation? Yes/No
   If yes, please indicate your preference. Oral/Poster
   Title of your presentation: 
   Abstract (a few lines):

[Lunch box]
We recommend to order lunch boxes.
(Jan. 6   Yes / No)   for pre-workshop meeting participants of Jan.6.
Jan. 7   Yes / No 
Jan. 8   Yes / No 
Jan. 9   Yes / No 
Jan. 10  Yes / No 
* We recommend you to take the lunch boxes.
  A lunch box costs about 600 yen.
* Do you have a dietary restriction? If yes, please explain.
* Jan.6 lunch box is for those who participate in the pre-workshop 
  meeting on hadron tomography
  http://research.kek.jp/group/hadron10/tomography-201701/ .
  If you are interested in the topic, you may join the meeting
  by informing your participation to the organizer (shunzo.kumano(AT)kek.jp).

----------------------------------- cut -----------------------------------

There are two possibilities unless you choose a different hotel
in Tsukuba.
(KEK dormitory) http://www2.kek.jp/uskek/eng/visiting/dormitory.html
(Urban hotel) http://www.urbanhotel.co.jp/index_en.html

*** For foreign participants:
    Please send the registration information.
    We will make the KEK dormitory. However, if you stay at the hotel,
    please make your own reservation from the hotel web
        Conference name: Hadron and Nuclear Physics in 2017
        Password: See http://research.kek.jp/group/hadron10/kek-hn-2017/hotel-pass.txt

*** For Japanese participants:
    (KEK dormitory) Please make your own reservation by
    following the instruction in
    (Outside hotels) If you prefer to stay at an outside hotel
    by using your own fund or if the KEK dormitory is full, please make
    your own reservation by reading
    http://research.kek.jp/group/hadron10/kek-hn-2017/regist_kek_hn_2017.pdf (pages 10-11).

Visitor information, travel
You may look at the following web pages:
(KEK home page)
    http://www.kek.jp/ja/ (Japanese)
(Visitor information)
    http://www2.kek.jp/rso/ (Japanese)
(How to reach KEK)
    http://www.kek.jp/ja/Access/ (Japanese)

Please read the access information from the Narita/Haneda airports at

If you arrive at the Narita/Haneda international airport,
you need to take a bus (or train) from the airport to the Tsukuba center
Then, you may take a bus
or you may take a taxi to the hotel or KEK.
The taxi cost is about 3500 yen. It would be a good idea to show
the map of the hotel or KEK to the taxi driver by printing out
the access information page of the hotel web or KEK.
If you stay at the Urban hotel, there is a hotel limo to take
you from the Tsukuba center to the hotel. Please call the hotel
to inform your schedule after you arrive in Japan.

Registration for wireless LAN
You need to register the MAC address of your notebook computer
for using LAN at KEK in advance from the following web site:
    https://krs.kek.jp/uskek/ui/ (Japanese).
Please write "6100" and "Michiyo Sakurai" in the contact section.
Contact in KEK
Phone number to reach you inside KEK: 6100
Full name of the liaison person in KEK: Michiyo Sakurai

Local Organizers: Akinobu Dote, Kazunori Itakura, Hiroyuki Kamano
                  Shunzo Kumano*, Osamu Morimatsu (KEK)
                  * Corresponding organizer
Advisory Committee: Masayuki Asakawa (Osaka Univ), Kenji Fukushima (Tokyo Univ)
       Masayasu Harada (Nagoya Univ), Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN)
       Yoshitaka Hatta (Kyoto Univ, YITP), Satoru Hirenzaki (Nara Women's Univ)
       Atsushi Hosaka (Osaka Univ, RCNP), Yuji Koike (Niigata Univ)
       Teiji Kunihiro (Kyoto Univ), Makoto Oka (Tokyo Tech/JAEA)
       Shoichi Sasaki (Tohoku Univ)

Ms. Michiyo Sakurai, kek-hn-2017(AT)ml.post.kek.jp  (AT)--->@
