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[revised : May 22, 2006 by masaharu.ieiri[atmark]kek.jp]
Annual Reports (submitted originals)
FY2005, FY2004, FY2003, FY2002, FY2001, FY2000, [KEK Annual Reports]
- FY2005
Exp. No. |
SpokesPerson |
Title of Exp. |
E325 |
EN'YO Hideto |
Study of Chiral Property of Dense Nuclear Matter Through Measurements of Meson Mass Modification in Medium |
E362 |
NISHIKAWA Koichiro |
Long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment |
E391a |
Study of the KL-> pi0nunu-bar Decay |
E452 |
NAKAI Kozi |
Studies of spin-dependent interactions in hyperon-proton scattering with a newly developed track-detector SCITIC |
E471/E549 |
IWAKAKI Masahiko |
A Search for Deeply Boumd Nuclear State |
E521 |
FUKUDA Tomokazu |
Production of Neutron-Rich Lambda Hypernuclei by the (-,K+) Double-Charge Exchange Reaction |
E522 |
IMAI Ken'ichi |
Search for H-dibaryon Resonance via 12C(K-, K+ ) and Study of Xi-N Interactions |
E546/E567 |
Measurement of Electronic X rays Correlated Pionic X rays |
E548 |
KISHIMOTO Tadafumi |
Study of Kaonic Nuclei by the (K-, p) reactions |
E559 |
IMAI Ken'ichi |
High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Penta-quark + |
E518/E566 |
TAMURA Hirokazu |
Gamma-ray spectroscopy of11B and 12C |
E570 |
HYANO Ryugo |
Measurement of Kaonic Helium X ray (3d-2p) |
T563 |
T569 |
G. S. Varner |
T571 |
T572/T573 |
NITOH Osamu |
Developement of MPGD-TPC for the International Linear Collider |
T576 |
OSHIMA Takayoshi |
Beam test of TOF counter |
T578 |
M. Pernicka |
Test of a short strip DSSD sensors read out with APV25 ASIC |
T579 |
ADACHI Ichiro |
T580 |
NOMURA Tadashi |
Test on veto detectors for KL-> pi0nunu-bar experiment |
T581 |
KODAMA Koichi |
OPERA Emulsion Film Quality Monitoring using KEK-PS |
T582 |
M. Dixit & R. Settles |
Developement of MPGD-TPC for the International Linear Collider |
T583 |
YOKOYAMA Masashi |
Measurement of photo-senser performance for T2K near detectors |
T584 |
SUGIMOTO Shojiro |
T585 |
YOSHIDA Makoto |
Test of the Scintillating Fiber Tracker Prototype for MICE |
T586 |
T587 |
YOSHIDA Tetsuya |
T588 |
NITTA Kazunori |
T589 |
Test of a new type of ring imaging Cherenkov detector 'RICH with TOF' |
T590 |
SAWADA Shin'ya |
Developement of proton-beam deflection using a bent silicon crystal with KEK 12-GeV PS |
T591 |
KANETA Masashi |
T592 |
ESUMI Shinichi |
MPRC and Reaction plane detector R&D for PHENIX experiment |
T593 |
YAMAGA Mitsuhiro |
A Basic Study for the Developement of Collimator for J-PARC KL experiment |
T594 |
IMAI Ken'ichi |
- FY2004 (printed form of FY2003)@[Top]
Exp. No. |
SpokesPerson |
Title of Exp. |
E325 |
EN'YO Hideto |
Study of Chiral Property of Dense Nuclear Matter Through Measurements of Meson Mass Modification in Medium |
E362 |
NISHIKAWA Koichiro |
Long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment |
E391a |
Study of the KL-> pi0nunu-bar Decay |
E452 |
NAKAI Kozi |
Studies of spin-dependent interactions in hyperon-proton scattering with a newly developed track-detector SCITIC |
E471 |
IWAKAKI Masahiko |
A Search for Deeply Boumd Nuclear State |
E508 |
H. C. Bhang |
Coincidence Measurement of the Weak Decay of 12C |
E518 |
TAMURA Hirokazu |
Gamma-ray spectroscopy of11B |
E521 |
FUKUDA Tomokazu |
Production of Neutron-Rich Lambda Hypernuclei by the (-,K+) Double-Charge Exchange Reaction |
E522 |
IMAI Ken'ichi |
Search for H-dibaryon Resonance via 12C(K-, K+ ) and Study of Xi-N Interactions |
E546 |
Measurement of Electronic X rays Correlated Pionic X rays |
T535 |
Antiproton Beam Testing of the Gaseous Antiparticle Spectrometer |
T543 |
KODAMA Koichi |
Rehearsal for OPERA Event Location Procedure |
T544 |
Y. B. CHEN |
Beijing Spectrometer(BES?)Main Drift Chamber(MDC4)Prototype Beram Te |
T553, T577 |
YOSHIDA Makoto |
Study of the Scintillating Fiber Trackerfor MICE |
T554 |
NAKAMURA Satoshi |
Beam test of a dual radiator Cherenkov detectorwith aerogel and wavelength-shifting acrylic plastic |
T555 |
OZAWA Kyoichiro |
Development of TPC, HPD and PWO for the PHENIX Upgrade |
T556 |
UNO Shoji |
T557 |
T558 |
NITOH Osamu |
TPC prototype beam test at KEK |
T561 |
MIAKE Yasuo |
R&D of a new gaseous time of flight detector: Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) |
T562 |
ADACHI Ichiro |
Studies of a Proximity Focusing Aerogel RICH for the Belle Upgrade |
T564 |
Performance test of a lead-tungstate EM-calorimeter readout with an avalanche photodiode |
T565 |
OSHIMA Takayoshi |
Study on a high-resolution time-of-flight (TOF) counter |
T568 |
SASAKI Osamu |
Radiation test of poly-switch for ATLAS-TGC readout
T574 |
SAWADA Shinya |
Test of the range counter for the E559 experiment at KEK-PS |
T575 |
YOKOYAMA Masashi |
Test of prototypes for T2K near detectors |
- FY2003 (printed form of FY2003)@[Top]
Exp. No. |
SpokesPerson |
Title of Exp. |
E246, E470 |
Imazato Jun |
Search for T-Violation in the Kmu3 Decay
& Branching ratio Maesurement of K+->pi+pi0g Direct Emission |
E325 |
En'yo Hideto |
Study of Chiral Property of Dense Nuclear Matter Through Measurements of Meson Mass Modification in Medium |
E362 |
Nishikawa Koichiro |
Long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment |
E373 |
Nakazawa Kazuma |
Study of S = |2 Nuclear System by Emulsion and Scintillating Fiber Hybrid Method |
E391a, T541, T552 |
Inagaki Takao |
Study of the KL-> pi0nunu-bar Decay |
E452 |
Nakai Kozi |
Studies of spin-dependent interactions in hyperon-proton scattering with a newly developed track-detector SCITIC |
E462 |
Outa Haruhiko |
Exclusive measurement of the Non-Mesonic Weak Decay of 5He |
E471 |
Iwasaki Masahiko |
A Search for Deeply Boumd Nuclear State |
E508 |
H. C. Bhang |
Coincidence Measurement of the Weak Decay of 12C |
E518, T536 |
Tamura Hirokazu |
Gamma-ray spectroscopy of11B |
E521 |
Fukuda Tomokazu |
Production of Neutron-Rich Lambda Hypernuclei by the (-,K+) Double-Charge Exchange Reaction |
E522 |
Imai Ken'ichi |
Search for H-dibaryon Resonance via 12C(K-, K+ ) and Study of Xi-N Interactions |
E546 |
Shinohara Atsushi |
Measurement of Electronic X rays Correlated Pionic X rays |
T538 |
Ozawa Kyoichiro |
Developement of a prototype TPC with CF4 & GEM readout for heavy ion collision |
T539 |
Sakaguchi Atsushi |
Developement of Beam-Profile Monitoring Methods in Secondary Hadron Beamline |
T540 |
Yoshida Tetsuya |
Performances of the prototype particle detectors for the newly developed BESS-Polar superconducting spectrometer |
T526, T542 |
Sato Akira |
Study of scintillating fiber tracker for the MICE experiment |
T543 |
Kodama |
Rehearsal for OPERA Event Location Procedure |
T545 |
Fujii Yoshiaki |
Beam test of fine-granularity JLC EM calorimeter test module |
T547 |
Ohshima Takayoshi |
Beam-test of Tile-TOF counter |
T550 |
Adachi Ichiro |
Studies of proximity focusing RICH with an aerogel radiator |
T551 |
Yokoyama Masashi |
Measurement of basic parameters of scintillator used in K2K SciBar detector |
- FY2002 (printed form of FY2002)@ [Top]
Exp. No. |
SpokesPerson |
Title of Exp. |
E246, E470 |
Imazato Jun |
Search for T-Violation in the Kmu3 Decay
& Branching ratio Maesurement of K+->pi+pi0g Direct Emission |
E325 |
En'yo Hideto |
Study of Chiral Property of Dense Nuclear Matter Through Measurements of Meson Mass Modification in Medium |
E362 |
Nishikawa Koichiro |
Long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment |
E373 |
Nakazawa Kazuma |
Study of S = |2 Nuclear System by Emulsion and Scintillating Fiber Hybrid Method |
E391a, T510, T528 |
Inagaki Takao |
Study of the KL-> pi0nunu-bar Decay |
E452 |
Nakai Koji |
Studies of spin-dependent interactions in hyperon-proton scattering with a newly developed track-detector SCITIC |
E462 |
Outa Haruhiko |
Exclusive measurement of the Non-Mesonic Weak Decay of 5He |
E471 |
Iwasaki Masahiko |
A Search for Deeply Boumd Nuclear State |
E508 |
H. C. Bhang |
Coincidence Measurement of the Weak Decay of 12C |
E509 |
Tanida Kiyoshi |
Gamma-ray spectroscopy of hyperfragments using stopped K- method |
E518 |
Tamura Hirokazu |
Gamma-ray spectroscopy of11B |
E521 |
Fukuda Tomokazu |
Production of Neutron-Rich Lambda Hypernuclei by the (-,K+) Double-Charge Exchange Reaction |
E522 |
Imai Ken'ichi |
Search for H-dibaryon Resonance via 12C(K-, K+ ) and Study of Xi-N Interactions |
T500, T530 |
Nakamura Satoshi |
Performance Test of the \v{C}erenkov Counters for the Jlab E01-011 Experiment II & III |
T506 |
Aoki Masaharu |
T507 |
Shimizu Hajime |
T512, T523 |
Hoshino Kaoru |
Test of pi/mu identification by the Emulsion Cloud Chamber |
T513 |
Nomura Tadashi |
Test on the neutron-insensitive photon detector for the KOPIO experiment |
T514, T531 |
Miake Yasuo |
Development of Aerogel Cherenkov Counters for the PHENIX experiment |
T517 |
Fujii Yoshiaki |
Beam test of fine-granularity JLC EM calorimeter test modules |
T524 |
Yoshimura Koji |
T525 |
Iijima Toru |
Test of PID detectors for future B-factory experiments |
T526 |
Sato Akira |
T527 |
Shigyo Nobuhiro |
Test of Phoswich Recoil Proton Detector |
T529 |
Shinohara Atsushi |
The Measurement of Electronic X rays Correlated Pionic X rays |
T532 |
Ohshima Takayoshi |
Beam-test result of Tile-TOF counter |
T533 |
Nagae Tomofumi |
- FY2001 (printed form of FY2001)@ [Top]
Exp. No. |
SpokesPerson |
Title of Exp. |
E246, E470 |
Imazato Jun |
Search for T-Violation in the Kmu3 Decay
& Branching ratio Maesurement of K+->pi+pi0g Direct Emission |
E325 |
En'yo Hideto |
Study of Chiral Property of Dense Nuclear Matter Through Measurements of Meson Mass Modification in Medium |
E362 |
Nishikawa Koichiro |
Long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment |
E373 |
Nakazawa Kazuma |
Study of S = |2 Nuclear System by Emulsion and Scintillating Fiber Hybrid Method |
E391a, T497 |
Inagaki Takao |
Study of the KL-> pi0nunu-bar Decay |
E452, T485, T498, T511 |
Nakai Koji |
Studies of spin-dependent interactions in hyperon-proton scattering with a newly developed track-detector SCITIC |
E462 |
Outa Haruhiko |
Exclusive measurement of the Non-Mesonic Weak Decay of 5He |
E471, T489 |
Iwasaki Masahiko |
A Search for Deeply Boumd Nuclear State
& Test of Position Sensing Cherenkov Detector (POSCH) |
T484 |
Ohshima Takayoshi |
Test of Time-Of-Propagation Cherenkov Counter |
T486 |
Nitoh Osamu |
The influence of positive ions on the performance of a jet-cell-type chamber filled with a cool gas |
T487 |
Shibuya Hiroshi |
Test of basic performance of compact Emulsion Cloud Chamber |
T488 |
Hara Toshio |
Test of a tracking detector consisting of plastic scintillaor plates doped with light-scattering material and wavelength-shifting fiber readouts |
T490 |
Kobayashi Masaaki |
Test of a large Silicon Strip Detector for K-rare decay experiment |
T491, T503 |
Nakaya Tsuyoshi |
Study of an extruded scintillator detector with wave-length shifting fiber readout for K2K |
T492 |
Nomura Tadashi |
T493 |
Yoshida Hiroshi |
Test of PbF2 crystals |
T494, T500 |
Nakamura Satoshi |
Performance Test of the \v{C}erenkov Counters for the Jlab E01-011 Experiment |
T495 |
Iijima Toru |
Test of an Aerogel RICH detector |
T496 |
Miake Yasuo |
Development of Aerogel Cherenkov Counter for PHENIX Experiment |
T499 |
Shinohara Atsushi |
Test Experiments for Measurements of Electronic X rays Following Pion Capture Process |
T501 |
Sakuda Makoto |
Measurement for the energy scale of the neutrino spectrum by the K2K near detector |
T502 |
Nozaki Mitsuaki |
Detector tests for the BESS-Polar and BESS-TeV |
T504, T505 |
Hoshino Kaoru |
Test of pi/mu identification by the Emulsion Cloud Chamber |
- FY2000 (printed form of FY2000)@ [Top]
Exp. No. |
SpokesPerson |
Title of Exp. |
E246 |
Imazato Jun |
Search for T-Violation in the Kmu3 Decay |
E325 |
En'yo Hideto |
Observation of in-media modification of r/w meson at KEK-PS |
E362 |
Nishikawa Koichiro |
Long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment |
E373 |
Nakazawa Kazuma |
Study of S = |2 Nuclear System by Emulsion and Scintillating Fiber Hybrid Method |
E391a |
Inagaki Takao |
Study of the KL-> pi0nunu-bar Decay |
E393 |
Murakami Tetsuya |
Target Multifragmentation by GeV Energy Proton |
E438 |
Noumi Hiroyuki |
Study of Sigma-Nucleus Potential by the (pi-, K+) reaction |
E443, T463 |
Shigyo Nobuhiro |
Neutron-Production Differential Cross Sections in the (p, xn) Reaction at Forward Angle |
E452, T464 |
Nakai Koji |
Studies of spin-dependent interactions in hyperon-proton scattering with a newly developed track-detector SCITIC |
E462 |
Outa haruhiko |
Exclusive measurement of the Non-Mesonic Weak Decay of 5He |
T448 |
Unno Yoshinobu |
T453 |
Ohshima Takayoshi |
Test of Time-Of-Propagation Cherenkov Counter |
T454 |
Takahashi Tamotu |
Test of High pressure Gas Cherenkov Detector |
T465, T480 |
Shinohara Atsushi |
Test Experiments for Measurements of Auger Electron Following Pion Capture Process |
T466 |
Yoshida Hiroshi |
Performance test of a prototype barrel calorimeter for E391a |
T467 |
Kobayashi Tomio |
Test of Thin Gap Chambers for the ATLAS |
T469 |
Nitoh Osamu |
dE/dx measurement in a drift chamber filled with CO2(90%)/Isobutane(10%) |
T472 |
Iwasaki Masahiko |
Test of differential Cherenkov counter for - and - mesic nuclear search |
T473 |
Tamura Norio |
Beam-test of a CsI calorimeter, GEANT4 and KONOE and education of novice graduate students |
T474 |
Kobayashi Masaaki |
Test of Ce scintillator and PWO Cherenkov detector |
T475 |
Iwata Takahiro |
A Test of the Gas Cherenkov Counter |
T476 |
Kobayashi Takashi |
A study of the fine segmented liquid scintillator detector with wave-length shifting fiber readout for K2K upgrade |
T477 |
Yoshimura Koji |
Test of Inner Drift Chamber for the BESS |
T479 |
Miake Yasuo |
T481 |
Kobayashi Masaaki |