*********** informal discussions *********
14日 KenkyuHonkan 1F meeting room 1 from 2pm~5pm
Nir Yosef From A_{FB}^t to Delta A_{CP}: The flavor connection.
Webber Bryan comments on top forward backward asymmetry
4pm Ibarra Alejandro "Low Energy Signatures of the TeV Scale See-saw mechanism".
15日 KenkyuHonkan 1F meeting room 2 2pm~5pm
From 2pm
Yuan C P From Top to heavy quark
from 3:30 pm
Nagano Trigger in ATLAS
*************workshop program *************
QCD wonderland
9:00~ Webber Bryan "Monte Carlo developments in the light of LHC data"
10:00~ Yuan C P "Jet Substructure at Hadron Colliders"
break 30min
11:30~ Polessello Giacomo Status of SUSY searches at the LHC"
Suggestion from precision measurements
14:00 Nir Yosef “Flavor physics: past, present, future"
Preparing for discovery
15:30 (30min each)
Kao Chung "Top Decays with Flavor Changing Neutral Higgs Interactions at the LHC"
Rui Santos "The 2HDM in the light of the recent LHC results"
Tsumura Koji "Multi-tau-lepton signatures at the LHC in the two Higgs doublet model"
Park Myeonghun "Naturalness v.s. Higgs in the Supersymmetry"
6pm (party)
Second day(17th)
Pushing current limit
9:00 Wacker Jay "High Multiplicity Searches at the LHC"
10:00 Le Compte Tom "SUSY at the Compression Frontier"
11:15 Lee Jae Sik "EDMs in the MSSM"
14:00 Kniehl Bernd "Testing NRQCD factorization in heavy quarkonium production at the LHC"
Preparing for discovery 15:30~ 30 min each
Curtin David "Unbiased Mass Measurements at Hadron Colliders?"
Takeuchi Michihisa "Top reconstruction for new physics search"
Harigaya Keisuke "Vector-like quark search at LHC using multi b-jet channel"
Yagyu Kei "Phenomenology of the Higgs Triplet Model with the mass difference at the LHC"
Third day(18th)
Suggestion from Cosmos
9:00 ~ Tait Tim "Collider statement about dark matter interactions"
break 30min
10:30~ Garny Mathias "Constraints on dark matter scenarios with nearly degenerate mass spectra from the cosmic antiproton"
11:00~ Hisano Junji "Precise calculation of direct detection rate of dark matter"
13:00~ Ibarra Alejandro "Neutrino masses in the two higgs doublet model"
14:00~ (30 min each )
Akeroyd A. G. "Phenomenology of Doubly Charged Higgs Bosons at the LHC"
Iwamoto Sho Muon g-2 anomaly and 125GeV Higgs : Extra vector-like quark and LHC prospects
About the registration
We would like ask all of you to proceed "User registration of KEK", by following pdf instructions attached.
step 3 has information on the registration of banquet, launch, step 4 about wireless LAN
is very important. KEK Dormitory is almost full now.