Frederik Denef のレビュー “Les Houches Lectures on Constructing String Vacua” に沿って、それを読むための超弦理論の基本的事項を随時解説しながら、超弦理論による現実的な素粒子模型や初期宇宙模型の構成に必要となる理論的知識を習得していただく。特に、古くから知られているにも関わらず我が国にあっては理解が非常に遅れている、超対称性を部分的に保つフラックスコンパクト化とその理解に必要な代数幾何学的知識、特にトーリック幾何の取り扱いについての入門的講義を行う。(平成29年度は授業は英語で行われました。)
- Preliminaries
1-1 Basics of superstring theory
Why superstrings in TEN dimensions?
How can strings be a theory of particles?
Five superstrings: TypeIIA,TypeIIB,TypeI,Heterotic E8xE8/SO(32)1-2 Basics of differential geometry
Topological space Tangent space Tangent bundle Vector bundle Differential form Exterior derivative De Rham cohomology Simplicial homology1-3 Local symmetry, gauge theory and vector bundles
Transition function of a vector bundle Ex. Dirac monopole
Chern classes Chern’s theorem Characteristic classes - Type IIB theory and M-theory
2-1 Type IIB theory
Almost correct action Scalar part:SL(2,Z)/U(1) sigma model2-2 M-theory
11D supergravity Black M2/M5 solutions Near horizon limit of M5/M2 Anomalies on M5 brane Anomaly polynomials and anomaly inflow mechanism2-3 Type IIB/M-theory duality
Dimensional reduction to D=92-4 M-theory and type IIA theory
Dimensional reduction from D=11 to 10 string/Einstein frames M-theory as a strong coupling limit - Flux compactifications
3-1 Why flux compactification?
Why flux? Historical remarks on flux compactifications3-2 SUSY compactifications without fluxes: Calabi-Yau compactifications
Killing spinor equation 6d gamma matrices Holonomy3-3 Complex, Kahler and Ricci-flat manifolds
SUSY→complex manifolds Fierz transformation Complex manifold Almost complex structure Nijenhuis tensor Newlander-Nirenberg’s theorem Kahler manifold3-4 Examples of Kahler manifolds
CP1 CPn Fubini-Study metric Kahler potential Properties of Kahler manifolds3-5 Introduction to moduli stabilizations and flux compactifications
Supergravity superpotential formula Holomorphic 3-/4-forms Gukov-Vafa-Witten superpotential3-6 Toric varieties
Definition Fans Divisors Stanley-Reisner ideal SUSY nonlinear sigma model
Intersection number of divisors Kahler cone Divisor volume Swiss-Cheese Calabi-Yau