Extra-Dimension Probe by Cosmophysics

KEK, November 9 – 12, 2010



Step 1. KEK User Registration

Japanese users:
Other users:


なお,ユーザー登録および用務追加の申請がユーザーズオフィスで処理されるのに2日ほどかかる場合があります.処理が終わりloginページの[登録済み実験・研究用務]にこの研究会についての項目が現れるまで,Step 2に進めません.数日しても変化ががない場合は,宍戸さんに連絡してください.


用務詳細(課題番号)(*) Extra-Dimension Probe by Cosmophysics
受入期間(*) 日  ~ 
機構内連絡先 部局
機構内連絡先 氏名
機構内連絡先 電話番号 (内線)(半角4文字まで)
放射線作業の有無(*) あり なし
責任者 氏名(*)
責任者 所属(*)
責任者 職名(*)
立入場所(*) その他の場合( )


Step 2. Workshop Registration

All participants are requested to make the workshop registration through the above User Portal webpage of KEK ( after you receive an email on your user account from the Users Office in the case you have made the user regisration). First, you login your account on that page. Then, select the following tab on the left panel:

Procedures for Visiting KEK/J-PARC
  1. Administration relating to your visit
  1. 登録済み実験・研究用務

Push the "Next" button of the item for the project "Extra-Dimension Probe by Cosmophysics". Then, you arrive at the page for various registrations related to the workshop.

Note that this item for the workshop appears only after your registration application is accepted and processed by the Users Office. This processing may require a couple of days. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Step 3. Other Registrations

The application for the wireless lan can be made through the same webpage as that for the workshop registration. If you are applying for the financial support from KEK including the Kakenhi support, you have to register your bank account on the same page.

Step 4. Abstract Submission

If you want to give a talk or a poster presentation, please submit the title and abstract through the workshop registration web page above. The deadline for the abstract submission is September 30. You can modify the data or cancel your application until the deadline.