-- SSH
-- Security
-- My Activity
-- Yashiro's
-- kekcc
-- Computing
-- KEK
Update: 2011/11/14
- SSH tutorial
- [archived: 2024/7/18] Secure remote login using SSH (
, 2000/7/3)
(cryptography, authentication, how to use, installation, etc)
- Additional comments (Update: 2003/11/4)
- [archived: 2024/7/18] SSH in KEK computing environment (2000/11/15, at Fujitsu SS-Ken)
(Suppliment to "a.". Major addition are versions, license, comments.)
), slide(
- SSH notes
- Links
2012/11/14 Removed File transfer using SSH (
, added 2004/10/20)
Removed SSH is open source ?(
, added 2001/4/14) (failed to connect -- 2004/10/20)
2004/10/20 ssh PC clients is changed to SSH PC clients and servers.
Removed ssh by SSH com. (Added 98/8/18)
Removed Secirity hole( (failed to connect -- 2003/3/11)
2004/ 4/ 5 Removed (private)
2003/ 3/19 Removed "SSH in TurboLinux (KEK only, Added 2000/5/16)"
2003/ 3/ 6 Added "Public key authentication" into "2.".
2003/ 3/11 Disappeared Peti's Homepage: The Secure Shell
and Secirity hole(
2001/ 4/14 Added a link, "SSH is open source?".
2001/ 2/26 Added "Tera Term Home Page" into "3. Links"
2000/11/ 2 Separated from "Computer Security" page and added some items.