SSH UNIX server/client's

Last update: 2012/11/14

History -- Here -- SSH -- Security -- My Activity -- Yashiro's -- Computing -- KEK

There are some programs that implemented SSH protocol.
In this page, UNIX server/client programs are listed. Next diffrences between the programs are listed.

  1. SSH com, F-Seure
  2. OpenSSH
  3. LSH
  4. PUTTY

  5. Protocol version (2004/10/22)
  6. SSH1SSH2(eval*)SSH2(com*)OpenSSH<LSH
    Protocol version1 2+1 2+1 1 & 2 2

  7. Ciphers for encryption (2004/10/22)
  8. CipherSSH1SSH2(eval*)SSH2(com*)OpenSSH**LSH***
    DES yes no no
    3DES yes defaultdefaultyes default
    IDEA defaultnoyes no
    Blowfishyes no? yes yes yes
    Twofish no yes yes <no
    Arcfour no yes yes yes yes
    Cast128-cbcnoyes?yesyes no

  9. Functions (2004/10/22)
  10. functionSSH1SSH2(eval)SSH2(com)OpenSSHLSH***
    sftp no yes yes no no?
    scp yes yes yes no no?
    X-fowardyes yes yes yes no
    port foward-L/R -L/R -L/R -L -L/R
    agent yes yes yes yes no

  11. Authentication (2004/10/22)
  12. functionSSH1SSH2(eval)SSH2(com)OpenSSHLSH
    passwd yes yesyes yes yes
    pubkey RSA DSADSA, RSADSA DSA*, (RSA*, **)
    pub+rhostyes no no no no
    rhost yes no no no no
    AFS-Kerberosnono no no (Kerberos**)

  13. Interops (2004/10/22)


2012/11/14	Removed ()

2004/10/22	Removed sftp v0.9
2001/ 8/ 9	Modified list price of F-Seure.
2000/11/ 8
2000/10/16      Started.