SSH: Port forwarding

Last update: 2004/11/5
Since 2000/11/23
History -- Here -- SSH -- Security -- My Activity -- Yashiro's -- Computing -- KEK

  1. SSH: Port forwarding
  2. X11 forwarding

  3. Figure by Kiyoharu Hashimoto.

  4. TCP/IP port forwarding (1)
    1. Diagram

      Figure by Shigeo Yashiro.

      Figure by Kiyoharu Hashimoto.

    2. Sample 1 -- secure ftp connection
      (on a window)
        lune$ ssh -L 12345:soleil:21 soleil

      (on the other window)
        lune$ ftp localhost 12345
        Connected to localhost.
        220 soleil FTP server (Version wu-2.4(3) Mon Oct 14 17:53:16 JST 1996) ready.
        Name (localhost:yashiro):
        331 Password required for yashiro.
        Password: my-PW
        230 User yashiro logged in.
        ftp> passive
        Passive mode on.

    3. Sample 2 -- Access web inside of FW from Internet via DMZ host.
      Suppose lune is a host in DMZ, etoile is a web server, and soleil is a host inside of FW.
      Only ssh connections are allowed between outside and DMZ, and between DMZ and inside.
      Test is executed with cygwin on Windows XP.

      (on a window)
        lune$ ssh -L 3000:etoile:80 soleil
        { lune:3000 -- (SSH) --> soleil ---> etoile:80 }
      (on the other window)
        $ ssh -L 4000:localhost:3000 lune
        { local:4000 -- (SSH) --> lune ---> lune:3000 }
      (on Netscape, enter the following URL)

    4. Sample 3 -- Copy files between Internet and inside of FW via DMZ host.
      Suppose lune is a host in DMZ, and soleil is a host inside of FW. And file name -s source_file.
      Only ssh connections are allowed between outside and DMZ, and between DMZ and inside.
      Test is executed with cygwin on Windows XP.

      (on a window)
        $ ssh -L 4000:soleil:22 lune
        { local:4000 -- (SSH) --> lune ---> soleil:22 }
      (on the other window)
        $ scp -P 4000 source_file localhost:
        $ scp -P 4000 localhost:source_file .

  5. TCP/IP port forwarding (2)
    1. Diagram

      Figure by Shigeo Yashiro.

    2. Sample 1
      (on a window)
        lune$ ssh -R 3000:etoile:80 soleil
        { soleil:3000 -- (SSH) --> lune ---> etoile:80 }

    3. Sample 2 -- SSH access from LAN host to private address host under router.
      Suppose etoile is a host under router, and soleil is a host in the LAN.

      (on a private address host)
        etoile$ ssh -R 3000:localhost:22 soleil
        { soleil:3000 -- (SSH) --> etoile ---> etoile:22 }

      (on a host that remote port is created.)
        soleil$ ssh -p 3000 localhost
        { soleil:3000 -- (SSH) --> etoile -- (SSH) --> etoile:22 }

    1. To check ports, the following commands are helpfull.
      $ netstat -all | grep tcp
      # tcpdump -nnn host hostname

    Portfwding test with SSH V1.2.2 (2001/5/30)