9th meeting, June 14-15, 2004 (ANL)

Status of the 2nd Harmonic RF Project at ISIS (A Morris)
LOI status at ISIS (Y Irie)
The IPNS RCS third rf cavity progress report (G McMichael)
Progress of 2RF into synchrotron (I Gardner)
Details of the IPNS third cavity rf system (M Middendorf)
IGBT grid switcher for the KEK/ISIS LOI amplifier (D Horan)
DTI 100kV/100A opening switch work at the APS (G Pile)
Second harmonic rf studies at the IUCF (S Wang)
Second harmonic capture in the IPNS RCS (J Dooling)
Animation: RF trapping (J Dooling)
Low power rf/electronics (M Glover)
LOI preparation plan at the MICE hall (All): updated August 28, 2004