Publications / Presentations
- Jisu Park et al, arXiv:2503.09031 [physics.ins-det] ("PMT calibration for the JSNS2-II far detector with an embedded LED system"), and also submitted to JINST.
- D.H.Lee et al, arXiv:2502.16384 [physics.ins-det] ("A muon tagging with Flash ADC waveform baselines"), and also submitted to JINST.
- T.Dodo et al, arXiv:2412.18509 [hep-ex] ("The first JSNS2 measurement of electron neutrino flux using 12C(nue,e-) 12Ng.s. reaction"), and also submitted to PRD.
- E.Marzec et al, arXiv:2409.01383 [hep-ex] ("First Measurement of Missing Energy Due to Nuclear Effects in Monoenergetic Neutrino Charged Current Interactions"), and also accepted by PRL.
- D.H.Lee et al, arXiv:2404.04153 [hep-ex] and published as Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 1072 (2025) 170216 [pdffile] ("Evaluation of the performance of the event reconstruction algorithms in the JSNS2 experiment using a 252Cf calibration source").
- T.Dodo et al, arXiv:2404.03679 [physics.ins-det] and published as PTEP 2025 023H02 (2025) [pdffile] ("Pulse Shape Discrimination in JSNS2").
- C.D.Shin et al, arXiv:2309.01887 [hep-ex] ("The acrylic vessel for JSNS2-II neutrino target"), and also published as JINST 18 T12001 (2023) [pdffile] .
- D.H.Lee et al, arXiv:2308.02722 [hep-ex] and Eur. Phys. J. C 84, 409 (2024) ("Study on the accidental background of the JSNS2 experiment").
- T.Maruyama for JSNS2 and JSNS2-II collaborations, PoS(NuFact2021)159 ("The status of JSNS2 and JSNS2-II").
- H.Jeon on behalf of the JSNS2 collaboration, PoS(NuFact2021)229 ("Status of the KDAR Neutrino measurement with JSNS2").
- Y.Hino et al, arXiv:2111.07482 [hep-ex] and The European Physical Jounal C 82 331 (2022) ("Characterization of the correlated background for a sterile neutrino search using the first dataset of the JSNS2 experiment").
- S.Ajimura et al, arXiv:2104.13169 [physics.ins-det] and published by Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 1014 (2021) 165742 [pdffile] ("The JSNS^2 Detector").
- S.Ajimura et al, arXiv:2012.10807 [hep-ex] ("Proposal: JSNS2-II").
- F.Suekane for JSNS2 collaboration, PoS(NuFact2019)129 ("Status of JSNS^2 experiment")
- T.Konno for JSNS2 collaboration, PoS(NuFact2019)056 ("Neutrino Source for Sterile Neutrino Searches")
- J.S.Park et al, arXiv:2006.00670 [physics.ins-det] and published by JINST [JINST 15 (2020) no.09, T09002] (The JSNS2 data acquisition system).
- J.S.Park et al, arXiv:2005.01599 [physics.ins-det] and published by JINST [JINST 15 (2020) no.10, T07003](Performance of PMTs for the JSNS2 experiment).
- J.S.Park et al, arXiv:2005.01286 [physics.ins-det] and published by PTEP [PTEP 2021 (2021) 6, 063C01] (Slow monitoring system for the JSNS2 experiment)
- C.Rott on behalf of the JSNS2 collaboration [pdffile] (TAUP 2019 proceedings "Status of JSNS2 - J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source")
- J.S.Park et al, arXiv:1906.00213 [physics.ins-det] and published by JINST.[JINST 14 (2019) no.09, T09010] (Production and optical properties of liquid scintillator for the JSNS2 experiment)
- Y. Hino et al, arXiv:1904.10243 [physics.ins-det] and published by JINST. [JINST 14 (2019) no.09, P09007](Aging study of Gd concentration in LAB-based Gd loaded liquid scintillator exposed to passivated stainless steel)
- Y. Hino et al, arXiv:1904.08674 [physics.ins-det] and published by JINST [JINST 14 (2019) no.09, T09001]. (Stainless steel tank production and tests for the JSNS2 neutrino detector)
- S. Ajimura et al, arXiv:1705.08629 [physics.ins-det] (Technical Design Report (TDR) for the 24th J-PARC PAC)
- M. Harada et al, arXiv:1610.08186 [physics.ins-det] (status report for the 22th J-PARC PAC)
- T.Maruyama for JSNS2 collaboration, PoS(ICHEP2016)482 ("Searching for a Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC MLF: JSNS^2 experiment")
- M. Harada et al, arXiv:1601.01046 [physics.ins-det] (status report for the 21th J-PARC PAC)
- M. Harada et al, arXiv:1507.07076 [physics.ins-det] (status report for the 20th J-PARC PAC)
- S. Ajimura et al,
"On-site Background Measurements for the J-PARC E56 Experiment; A Search for Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC MLF"
PTEP 2015 6, 063C01 (2015) [PTEP article page] - J.S.Park for JSNS2 collaboration, PoS EPS-HEP2017 (2017) 128 ("Searching for a Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC MLF: JSNS^2 experiment")
- M. Harada et al, arXiv:1502.02255 [physics.ins-det] (status report (BKG measurement))
- M. Harada et al, arXiv:1310.1437 [physics.ins-det] (proposal)
- "Probing the Nucleus with Mono-Energetic Neutrinos", Eric Marzec (Univ. of Michigan) , Wine and Cheese Seminar, FNAL, Chicago (USA), 2024-Nov. [pdffile]
- "Status and prospects of sterile neutrino search experiment : J-PARC JSNS^2/-II experiemnt", Dongha Lee (KEK) , J-PARC Symposium, Mito (Japan), 2024-Oct [pdffile]
- "New Results and Status of JSNS2 / JSNS2-II", Dongha Lee (KEK) , NuFact2024, ANL, Chicago, (USA), 2024-Sep [pdffile]
- "Measurements and searches with Decay-At-Rest neutrinos produced at J-PARC MLF", Takasumi Maruyama (KEK), Erice International School/Workshop of Nuclear Physics, 45th course on Nuclear Physics, Erice (Italy), 2024-Sep [pdffile]
- "Measurements from JSNS2 and the status of JSNS2-II", ChangDong Shin (KEK), NOW (Neutrino Oscillation Workshop), Otranto, Lecce (Italy), 2024-Sep [pdffile]
- "JSNS2 Status and Results", Eric Marzec (Univ. of Michigan), NEUTRINO 2024, Milano (Italy), 2024-June [pdffile]
- "Status of JSNS2", Jungsic Park (KNU), 4th Workshop on New Physics Opportunities at Neutrino Facilities (NPN 2024), Seoul (Korea), 2024-June
- "Review of Accelerator based Short Baseline Neutrino oscilaltion searches", D.H.Lee(KEK), DBD2023, Hawaii (USA), 2023-Dec [pdffile]
- "Status of the JSNS2-I / -II ", C.D.Shin (KEK), NuFact2023, Korea (Seoul), 2023-Aug [pdffile]
- "Status of the JSNS2-I / -II", speaker:TBC, 19th Rencontres du Vietnam, Vietnum, 2023-July [pdffile]
- "Latest results of JSNS2 and status of JSNS2-II", R.G.Park (CNU), PPC2023, IBS, Korea, 2023-June [pdffile]
- "The JSNS2 / JSNS2-II experiment", D.H.Lee (KEK), nu-A workshop, ORNL, USA, 2023-Mar [pdffile]
- "Neutron Beam and Neutrino Physics with 3 GeV proton at MLF", S.Hasegawa (JAEA), NA61-workshop, CERN, 2022-Dec [pdffile]
- "Status of the KDAR neutrino search with JSNS2 experiment", H.Jeon (SKKU), NuINT2022, Seoul, Korea, 2022-Oct [pdffile]
- "Review of sterile neutrino searches in short baseline oscillation experiments", Takasumi Maruyama (KEK), NNN12, Hida, Japan, 2022-Sep [pdffile]
- "Latest results from JSNS2 and status of JSNS2-II ", J.S.Park, NuFact Plenary talk, Utah, USA, 2022-July/Aug [pdffile]
- "Status of the KDAR neutrino search with JSNS2 experiment", H.Jeon, NuFact parallel talk, Utah, USA, 2022-July/Aug [pdffile]
- "JSNS2 / JSNS2-II experiment", J.S.Park (KNU), Neutrino 2022, Seuol, Korea, 2022-May/June [pdffile/mp4]
- "JSNS2 experiment", D.H.Lee (KEK), JPS-KPS joint symposium, Okayama, Japan, 2022-Mar [pdffile]
- "Status of the JSNS2 and JSNS2-II experiment", T.Maruyama (KEK), NuFact workshop 2021 , Online + face-to-face, 2021-Sep [pdffile]
- "Status of the JSNS2 and JSNS2-II experiment", J.S.Park (KEK), WIN workshop 2021 , Youtube presetation + Online Panel discussion , 2021-June [YouTube (presentation)]
- "Current status and plan of JSNS2/JSNS2-II", D.H.Lee, Neutrino Telescope, Online , 2021-Feb [pdffile]
- "JSNS2 experiment", S.Hasegawa, NA61 online Workshop, CERN, 2020-Dec [pdffile]
- "JSNS2", T.Maruyama (KEK), Snowmass Online Workshop, USA, 2020-Dec [pdffile]
- "JSNS2 experiment", T.Maruyama (KEK), Neutrino2020, Chicago, USA (online conference due to COVID-19), 2020-July-2 [pdffile]
- "JSNS2 experiment", S.Hasegawa (JAEA), JPS-KPS joint symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 2020-Mar (web presentation due to COVID-19)
- "Neutrino Physics Opportunities at the J-PARC MLF", J.Jordan (Univ. of Michigan), the Magnificent CEvNS workshop, New York, USA, 2019-Nov [pdffile]
- "Review of Accelerator-Based Sterile Neutrino Searches", T.Maruyama (KEK), J-PARC symposium, Tokai, Japan, 2019-Sep [pdffile]
- "Sterile Neutrino Search at J-PARC MLF", T.Maruyama (KEK), Erice School/Workshop: Star Mergers, Gravitational Waves, Dark Matter and Neutrinos in Nuclear, Particle and Astro-Physics, and in Cosmology, Erice/Sicily, (Italy), 2019-Sep [pdffile]
- "JSNS2 Experiment", C.Rott, 16th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Toyama, Japan, 2019-Sep [pdffile]
- "Review and Summary of Short Baseline Neutrino Experiments", J.Spitz (Michigan U), NuFACT, Daegu, Korea, 2019-Aug [pdffile]
- "Status of JSNS2 Experiment", F.Suekane (Tohoku), NuFACT, Daegu, Korea, 2019-Aug [pdffile]
- "Neutrino Source for Sterile Neutrino Searches", T.Konno (Kitasato), NuFACT, Daegu, Korea, 2019-Aug [pdffile]
- "Review of the sterile neutrino searches", T.Maruyama (KEK), DBD2018, Hawaii (USA), 2018-Oct [pdffile]
- "JSNS2 experiment", C.Rott (SKKU), ICHEP2018, Seoul (Korea), 2018-Jul [pdffile]
- "JSNS2 experiment", J.S.Park (KEK), 14th Rencontres Du Vietnam INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NEUTRINO FRONTIERS, Vietnum, 2018-Jul [pdffile]
- "JSNS2 overview", T.Maruyama (KEK), Special Session in Korean Physics Society, Gyeongju, (Korea), 2017-Oct [pdffile]
- "JSNS2 detector construction", J.S.Park (KEK), Special Session in Korean Physics Society, Gyeongju, (Korea), 2017-Oct [pdffile]
- "Sterile Neutrino Searches at J-PARC MLF", T.Maruyama (KEK), Erice School/Workshop: Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, in Particle and in Nuclear Physics, Erice/Sicily, (Italy), 2017-Sep [pdffile]
- "Sterile Neutrino experiments at Acdelerator", T.Kawasaki (University of Kitasato), 2017 Recontres du Vietnum Neutrino workshop, Quy Nhon (Vietnum), 2017-Jul [pdffile]
- "Searching for a Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC MLF: JSNS2", J.S.Park (KEK), 2017 EPS-HEP, Venice (Italy), 2017-Jul [pdffile]
- "Review of short-baseline programs in the world", F.Suekane (University of Tohoku), 2016 HINT workshop, J-PARC Ibaraki (Japan), 2016-Dec [pdffile]
- "Sterile Neutrino Search at J-PARC/MLF", S.Hasegawa (JAEA), Reimei Workshop, Inha (Korea), 2016-Oct [indico page]
- "Searching for a Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC MLF: JSNS^2 experiment", T.Maruyama (KEK), ICHEP2016, Chicago (USA), 2016-Aug, [pdffile]
- "Hunt for Steriles: Decay at Rest (DAR) Experiments", F.Suekane (Tohoku), NuPhys2015, London, 2015-Dec [pptfile]
- "Non-LBL neutrino experiments at J-PARC", T.Maruyama (KEK), HINT2015, J-PARC, 2015-Oct [pdffile]
- “An overview of the physics possibilities and the planned searches for sterile neutrinos”, T.Maruyama, 4th APS-JPS Joint meeting (nuclear physics field) Hawaii 2014/Oct [pdf file]
- “A Search for Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF)”, H.Furuta, (Tohoku University), 2nd J-PARC symposium, Ibaraki, Japan, 2014/July [pdf file]
- "Sterile neutrino with accelerator", T.Maruyama (KEK), NNN2013, IPMU, Japan, 2013-Nov [pdf file]
- “Sterile neutrino search at J-PARC”, T.Maruyama, (KEK), NuFact2013 (15th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams and Beta Beams), Beijin, China, 2013/Aug [pdf file]
Related Materials
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- 36th PAC presentation (2023/July, T.Maruyama) [pdffile]
- 35th PAC presentation (2023/Jan, T.Maruyama) [pdffile]
- 34th PAC presentation (2022/Aug, T.Maruyama) [pdffile]
- 33rd PAC presentation (2022/Jan, T.Maruyama) [pdffile]
- 32nd PAC presentation (2021/July, T.Maruyama) [pdffile]
- 31th PAC presentation (2021/Jan, T.Maruyama) [pdffile] / Proposal of JSNS2-II [pdffile]
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- 26th PAC presentation (2018/Jan, T.Maruyama) [pdffile] / revised TDR [pdffile]
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- HEP News (vol.34 No.1): E.Iwai, F.Suekane, H.Furuta, T.Maruyama [pdffile (Japanese)]
Ph.D Thesis