Takeshi K. Komatsubara
- an experimental particle physicist

official introduction (in Japanese)

my finger plan and miscellaneous tasks

for my research education (in Japanese)

It is never wise to seek prominence in a field whose routine chores do not interest you. I loved the daily work of physics, loved making physical calculations, even though that proved fruitless. -- Eugene P. Wigner (A.Szanton 1992, p223)

"This is a ridiculous idea and a waste of time -- I'm going back to my office to do some physics." -- Richard P. Feynman (L.M. Lederman and C.T.Hill 2004, p52)

In fact, the opportunities for progress lie in just those areas of physics that seem most messy. -- Steven Weinberg (Physics Today, March 2007, p58)

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updated on 2007-May-16(Wed)