Takeshi K. Komatsubara
- an experimental particle physicist

official introduction (in Japanese) for education (in Japanese)

Words are the only things which last forever. -- W.Churchill

Since October 2013,
as Deputy Head of J-PARC Particle and Nuclear Physics Division,
my first priority is to restore, restructure and safely-operate the Hadron Experimental Facility.

!! My Research Project !!

"Catch a Shooting Star !" Experiments: Search for Rare Kaon Decays

Kaon program at KEK/J-PARC:

Neutral-kaon decay experiments at KEK-12GeV PS:

Charged-kaon decay experiments at BNL-AGS:

!! Talks !!

!! Publications !!

!! Articles !!

!! Reviews !!

!! Conferences !!

!! Proceedings !!

List of Talks/Articles/Reviews/Publications in the past

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updated on 2021-March-25(Thu)