% mpstat | Report processors related statistics.. (sysstat) When usr or sys increase, CPU is busy. Otherhand, when wt increases, I/O or network is busy. |
% free | Amount of free and used memory. (procps) |
% tload | load average with GUI. Not interesting. (procps) |
% procinfo | system data from the /proc directory. CPU usage, memory usage, swap space usage, IO count, hardware IRQ. (procinfo) |
% lsdev | Information of hardware from the interrupts, ioports and dma files in the /proc directory. (procinfo) |
% socklist | Open sockets, enumerating types, port, inode, uid, pid, fd and the program to which it belongs. (procinfo) |
% xosview | CPU usage, load average, memory usage, swap space usage, network usage, interrupts, and serial port status. (package:xosview) |
% xcpustate | CPU states (idle, nice, system, kernel) statistics. Not interesting. (xcpustate) |
- Standard % ps STAT: Runnable, Sleep(<20sec), Idle(>20), Page_wait, Disk_wait, sTopped, Zombi W(swap out), >(excess memory request) % ps -elf [SystemV] % ps -aux [BSD] %CPU 過去1分間に使用した CPU %MEM メモリの何 % を使用しているか RSS 使用しているメモリのサイズ (KB) $ /sbin/fuser -v -m /usr identify processes using files or sockets. (psmisc)
- freesoftware
% top The most CPU-intensive tasks. (procps) % pstree Running processes as a tree. (psmisc) % lsof Files opened by processes. (lsof) % qps TOP with GUI. Heavy? (?) % gtop TOP with Gnome GUI. (?)
% strace program | Trace system calls and signals. (strace) |
% ltrace program | A library call tracer. (ltrace) |
% ldd program | trace system calls and signals. (glibc-common) |
% showmount Machines with remotely mounted % showmount ーa All remototelly mounted file system. With entry point % showmount -e Available file system.