Active target
In order to localize the K
+ stopping point (decay vertex) and also to help tracking of decay particles,
the K
+ stopping target is an active bundle of scintillating fibers. The fine
segmentation is also necessary to suppress backgrounds in reconstructed
trajectories. The bundle is made of about 256 pieces of 3 mm rectangular
scintillating fibers with a length of 20 cm forming a 6 cm diameter rod.
In each fiber a thin wavelength shifter (WLS) fiber is embedded in a groove
and the light through the WLS fiber is read by a multi pixel proportional
counter (MPPC) i.e. a Geiger mode APD from Hamamatsu. According to the
test experiment using π/μ beam at TRIUMF, an input of a sufficient number
of photons into the MPPC is confirmed. The construction of the target system
was funded in Canada and will be finished by the end of 2013 at TRIUMF.