
History -- Storage -- My job -- Yashiro's -- kekcc -- Computing -- KEK

Last update: 2012/8/30
Since 2009/6/1

  1. Storage
    1. Tape media used at KEKCC 2012/8/30
    2. Tape drives (balance sheet, PDF, Lotus 1-2-3 ), 2009/4/9
    3. Memo of storage Technology Seminar by SNIA Jpana 2009/7/28

  2. Presentation slides
    1. File transmission from J-PARC to HPSS in KEKCC system. (report: PDF 1.1MB slide: PDF 1.4MB, Gijyutsu Kenkyuu Kai at KEK, 2010/3/18-19
    2. Storage system at KEKCC, at SSken, 2009/4/24, PDF
    3. Overview of the HPSS at KEKCC, at the meeting with MLF, 2009/4/10, PDF
    4. KEKCC system revision and Migration of 300TB data (report: PDF 308KB slide: PDF 11MB, Gijyutsu Kenkyuu Kai at Kyoto-U, 2009/3/9-10

  3. Links
  4. HPSS -
    1. HPSS Users Guide (KEKCC) ( , English )
    2. HPSS meeting with MLF group
    3. ILD-GRID/HPSS by G. Iwai, good for introduction, note that some descriptiona are by misunderstanding.

    HPSS - English (update 2010/5/6)
    1. HPSS, High Performance Storage System
    2. HPSS User Forum -- disappeared?
    3. Search HPSS among IBM pages.
    4. Data Resources User Guides, SDSC
    5. The Indiana University Massive Data Storage System Service
    6. HSI, Hierarchical Storage Interface, SDSC (Added 2002/11/19)

    File system

    Others - English

    Others -


2009/7/10 Renewal. Added several documents and many links. 2009/6/ 1 Opened.