PC page (links)
-- Here
-- Job
-- Yashiro's
-- kekcc -- Computing -- KEK
- 愛用 softwares
- Download sites
- Venders
2021/10/15 Removed some links
2016/ 2/ 5 Removed the following links
HDD info. (
HDD recovery (
DVD copying guide
Personal firewall (
Freeware by rainbow (
2015/ 2/25 Removed the following links
jth, Thumbs nail creator.
GV by tobita (
2011/ 4/19 Removed the following links
Comparison of AV tools.
LHMelt (http://www2.nsknet.or.jp/~micco/micindex.html
, http://www2.nsknet.or.jp/~micco/english/index_e.htm, Added 2009/6/1)
Wnn (http://www.omronsoft.co.jp/SP/) (
USBメモリーでWindowsを起動 (http://arena.nikkeibp.co.jp/col/20060724/117813/) by Nikkei BP (
, Added 2007/6/5)
MSDN (http://www.msj.co.jp/msdn/)
ThinkPad Support (http://www.pc.ibm.com/support/tps/refs.html)
パソコンお薦め品、便利なフリーソフト紹介 (http://basic.blog17.fc2.com/blog-category-23.html) (added 2008/1/4)
Useful freewarews (http://basic.blog17.fc2.com/blog-category-33.html) (added2007/9/14)
Freeware Search (http://broog.com/freesoft/index.html) (added 2005/8/9)
2009/ 6/ 1 Removed the following links
AV tools. (
, update 2005/8/2)
NT vs UNIX (http://www014.upp.so-net.ne.jp/m-and-o/Translation/kirch.net/unix-nt.j.html) (1999/8/7)
FAQ for Using TCP/IP on PC (http://www.naoe.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/staffs/hirata/pc-tcpip/) (added 1998/8/19)
2005/ 8/ 2 EM64T解説, Xeon上で、64ビットアプリケーションを実行可能にする技術 by Intel
2005/ 8/ 2 Lost Internet with Windows (Japanese, added 1998/8/19)
2005/ 8/ 1 Lost Common Archivers Library (Japanese)
2005/ 8/ 1 Lost http://ftpsearch.ntnu.no/
2005/ 8/ 1 Lost http://www.plug.ne.jp/ (Japanese)
2001/ 4/ 2 Added "cigwin" into "2.favorite softwares".
2000/ 4/13 Added Comparison of AV tools.
2000/ 4/12 Added some links.
1999/ 9/14 Added shockwave, done rearrangement.
1999/ 4/21 Added samba.
1998/10/29 Added "Links to my favorite softwares" corner.
1997/10/27 Forgotten.