Plug and Play
Last update: 2002/9/24
Since 2002/9/24
- RH7.0J - kudzu
With Think PAD X20.
- Usage
Confirmation: see the logs /var/log/messages (PnP) or /var/log/dmesg (On boot).
Stop: rmmod module
- Mobile HD -- Read/write available. (2002/9/21)
- SCSI card: APA 1460
- Matsushita LF-D100
CD: /dev/scd0, confirmation with /proc/scsi/scsi
PD: /dev/sr0, faild to mount (2002/9/23)
DVD-RAM: (Not yet)
- Air Atation
- Turbo8 - murasaki
With Think PAD X20.
- Mobile HD
Faild to mount (2002/9/23)
hde: TOSHIBA MK2001MPL, ATA Disk Drive
- SCSI card: APA 1460
- Matsushita LF-D100
- Air Atation