ADCM data format 

(Revised on 19/Aug/2003: Readout type in Data Header)


1.      SLT data


       SLTdata = 4 Header words + Data (MVRAWC  in MVD DDL)


Header words:

Word1        Header

Word2        Data size of the event (including this header)

Word3        Data size of the cluster

Word4        not used



Bit7-Bit0: FLTn

Bit15-Bit8: BCN

Bit17-Bit16:  GFLT System Readout Type (00:Normal trigger, 01: Normal trigger after an aborted trigger, 10:test trigger, 11: Init)

Bit19-Bit18:, GFLT Ambiguity flag (always 0 since 1994)

Bit22-Bit20:  GFLT Component-dependent Readout Type (For test triggers, this bits indicate the type of test. (110: Env. Trigger, 111: End-of-Run)

Bit26-Bit23: 4bit Readout Type

Bit27: raw data error: (FLT number mismatch, detected during the local event building inside the ADCM. The wrong ADCU can be indentified from the DF-Data-status-register bit(8-15)

Bit28: strip data error: (FLT number mismatch, detected during the local event building inside the ADCM. The wrong ADCU can be indentified from the DF-Data-status-register bit(0-7)

Bit29: pipeline error:  (set if the pipeline locations in an analog link are not same)

Bit30: set if the event is aborted. (Data pointer is not recorded for aborted events so that this bit is always 0, in the normal readout scheme)

Bit31: always 0


Data: (4 words per cluster)

      Word1        stripID+ ADC data of strip 0

      Word2        bit0-9: ADC data of strip 1, bit 16-25 : ADC data of strip n

      Word3        sum of ADC in the cluster

      Word4        stripID+ADC data of strip n+1

              (N.B. stip 1: the first strip with data above threshold

                   strip n: the last strip with data above threshold)


2.      EVB data


       EVBdata = 6 Header words + RAW Data + STRIP Data + Control DATA


Header words:

Word1        Header (same format as SLT Data header)

Word2        Data size of the event (including this header)

Word3        Data size of raw data

Word4        Data size of strip data

Word5        Data size of control data

Word6        not used


RAW Data: (1 word per strip)

Bit0-9        ADC value

Bit10-31      Srip ID

            Bit 10-16 : Strip ID in a HELIX

       Bit 17-18 : HELIX number in for a hybrid

       Bit 19-31 : Hybrid ID (presettable with Strip Header memory in ADCM)


STRIP Data: (1 word per strip)

Bit0-9        ADC value

Bit10-31      Srip ID

            Bit 10-16 : Strip ID in a HELIX

       Bit 17-18 : HELIX number in a hybrid

       Bit 19-31 : Hybrid ID (presettable with Strip Header memory in ADCM)

Control Data:

General Data structure:

Bit0-11  : Data

Bit12-15 : Data Id

Bit17-18 : HELIX number in a hybrid

Bit19-31: Hybrid ID (presetaable with Strip Header memory in ADCM)


l         Pipeline_position (In normal mode, only the data of the first HELIX in a token ring is sent)

     Bit0-7 : pipeline location

     Bit12-15:  0

     Bit17-31: (HELIX and Hybrid ID)


l         Common mode data

     Bit0-9 : common mode value

     Bit12-15:  1

     Bit17-31: (HELIX and Hybrid ID)


l         Trigger Interval data

Bit0-3 : TDC value (time between clock and data-valid rising edge)

Bit4-11 : clock counts between the previous analog-data-valid and the current  (unit: 16 clock counts,   i.e. 1 = 16 clocks))

     Bit12-15:  2

     Bit17-31: (HELIX and Hybrid ID)


l         Analog data arrival timing data

     Bit0-11 : clock counts between the trigger and analog data valid

                     (unit: 16 clock counts)

     Bit12-15:  3

     Bit17-31: (HELIX and Hybrid ID)