Is it possible to simulate scattering with the proton at rest (i.e. PBEAM=0) ?
Applying a mass cut, e.g. M_mumu>1.8GeV, for the process of e u --> e u mu+ mu-, there are some events with an invariant mass of the di-muon below the cut. This seems to be seen only in the DIS process.
How can I store seeds of the random number generation ?
How can I generate events exclusively for the elastic, quasi-elastic and DIS processes ?
Why can't we merge u and d quark densities for QED / EW processes ?
Using the bottom quark density of the DIS process, MC integration fails with the following message from BASES. What is wrong?
******** FATAL ERROR IN BASES **************
There are no enough good points in this iteration.
Process was terminated due to this error.
What is the reason for the cut: Mhad>5GeV in case of the DIS process?
Last updated on Sep. 23 (2005) by T.Abe
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