1. H. Seto, Y. Noda, and Y. Yamada,
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H. Seto, Y. Noda and, Y. Yamada,
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H. Seto, Y. Noda, and Y. Yamada,
"Precursor Phenomena at Martensitic Phase Transition in
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4. H. Seto, Y. Noda, and Y. Yamada,
"New Premartensitic Phenomena in FePd Alloy."
Materials Science Forum, 56-58, 77 - 82 (1990).
5. S. Ueno, T. Takeda, S. Komura, and H. Seto,
"Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study of the Structure
Relaxation Process in the Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine
(DPPC)-Water System."
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 24, 843 - 846
H. Seto, D. Schwahn, K. Mortensen, and S. Komura,
"A Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Density
Fluctuations at Near-critical Region and a van der Waals Model in
a 3-component Microemulsion."
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 99, 5512 - 5519
7. H. Seto, E. Yokoi, S. Komura, D. Schwahn, K.
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"Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study on a Phase Separation
in a 3-component Microemulsion System."
Journal de Physique IV C8, 161-164 (1993).
8. T. Takeda, S. Komura, H. Seto, S. Ueno, and T.
"Flux Creep Studies on Vortex Pinning in Aligned YBa2Cu3O7-x Superconductor by Neutron
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9. T. Takeda, S. Komura, H. Seto, M. Nagai, H.
Kobayashi, E. Yokoi, C. M. E. Zeyen, T. Ebisawa, S. Tasaki, Y.
Ito, S. Takahashi, and H. Yoshizawa,
"A neutron spin echo spectrometer with two optimal field
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10. H. Seto, D. Schwahn, E. Yokoi, M. Nagao, S.
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"The Crossover from Meanfield to 3D-Ising Critical Behavior
in a 3-Component Microemulsion."
Physica B 213&214, 591 - 593 (1995).
11. T. Takeda, S. Ueno, H. Kobayashi, S. Komura, H.
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"Small-Angle Scattering Study on the Structural Phase
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Physica B 213&214, 763 - 765 (1995).
12. T. Takeda, S. Komura, H. Seto, M. Nagai, H.
Kobayashi, E. Yokoi, T. Ebisawa, S. Tasaki, C. Zeyen, Y. Ito, S.
Takahashi, and H. Yoshizawa,
"Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer at JRR-3M."
Physica B 213&214, 863 - 865 (1995).
13. H.
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"Crossover from Meanfield to 3D-Ising Critical Behavior in
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Physical Review E 54, 629 - 633 (1996).
14. S. Orimo, H. Seto, K. Ikeda, M. Nagao, and H.
"Small angle neutron scattering measurements of a
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Physica B 226, 370 - 374 (1996).
S. Komura, H. Seto, T. Takeda, M. Nagao, Y. Ito, and
M. Imai,
"Structural evolution and microscopic interactions in a
three-component amphiphilic microemulsion system."
The Journal of Chemical Physics 105, 3264 - 3277
16. A. Minato, S. Ueno, J. Yano, Z. H. Wang, H. Seto,
Y. Amemiya, and K. Sato
"Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction Study on Phase
Behavior of PPP-POP Binary Mixtures"
Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society, 73, 1567
- 1572 (1996).
17. T. Takeda, H. Seto, S. Komura, S. K. Ghosh, M.
Nagao, J. Matsuba, H. Kobayashi, T. Ebisawa, S. Tasaki, C. M. E.
Zeyen, Y. Ito, S. Takahashi, and H. Yoshizawa,
"A neutron spin echo spectrometer with an assembly of
position sensitive detectors."
Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 65 Suppl. A.
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18. 1.A. Minato, S. Ueno, J. Yano, K. Smith, H. Seto, Y. Amemiya, and K. Sato
“Themal and structural properties of sn-1,3-dipalmitoyl-2-oleoylglycerol and sn-1,3-dioleoyl-2-palmitoylglycerol binary mixtures examined with synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction“
Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 74, 1213 - 1220 (1997).
19. S. K. Ghosh, S. Komura, T. Hiyama, T. Takeda, and
H. Seto,
"Transport phenomena of aligned YBCO polycrystals near
Vortex-glass transition temperature in weak magnetic field."
Phase Transitions, Sec. A, 60, 195 - 209 (1997).
20. S. Ueno, A. Minato, H. Seto, Y. Amemiya, and K.
"Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction Study of Liquid
Crystal Formation and Polymorphic Crystallization of SOS
(sn-1,3-distearoyl-2-oleoyl glycerol)"
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101, 6847 - 6854
21. H. Takeno, M. Nagao, Y. Nakayama, H. Hasegawa, T.
Hashimoto, H. Seto, and M. Imai,
"High pressure cell for small-angle neutron and light
scattering studies of phase transitions in complex liquids."
Polymer Journal, 29, No. 11, 931 - 939 (1997).
22. H. Seto, G. D. Wignall, R. Triolo, D.
Chillura-Martino, and S. Komura,
"Small angle neutron scattering studies of critical
phenomena in a three-component microemulsion."
Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 106, 104 -
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23. M. Nagao, H. Seto, S. Komura, T. Takeda, and M.
"Pressure-induced phase transition from disordered
microemulsion to lamellar structure in a water/AOT/n-decane
Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 106, 86 -
90 (1997).
24. S. Komura, H. Seto, and T. Takeda,
"Self-organizatin, phase transition and dynamics in
amphiphilic systems."
Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 106, 1 - 5
25. S. K. Ghosh, S. Komura, J. Matsuba, H. Seto, T.
Takeda, and M. Hikosaka,
"Structural changes and interaction parameters in
amphiphilic system C12E5 / water / n-octane."
Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 106, 91 -
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26. S. K. Ghosh, S. Komura, H. Seto, J. Matsuba, T.
Takeda, M. Hikosaka, and M. Imai,
"Structure functions and interfacial mean curvatures in a
ternary amphiphile system C12E5 / water / n -octane."
Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 106, 98 -
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27. A. Minato, S. Ueno, J. Yano, K. Smith, H. Seto, Y.
Amemiya, and K. Sato
"Thermal and Structural Properties of POP-OPO Binary
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Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society, 74, 1213
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28. S. K. Ghosh, S. Komura, J. Matsuba, H. Seto, T.
Takeda, and M. Hikosaka,
"Phase transition between microemulsion and lamellar phases
in C12E5/water/n-octane
amphiphilic system."
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 37, 919 - 924
29. M. Nagao, H. Seto, D. Okuhara, H. Okabayashi, T.
Takeda, and M. Hikosaka
"A small angle neutron-scattering study of the effect of
pressure on structures in a ternary microemulsion system"
Physica B - Condensed Matter, 241-243, 970 - 972
30. H. Seto, D. Okuhara, M. Nagao, S. Komura, and T.
"A pressure induced phase transition in a ternary
microemulsion with an assembly of a new high pressure cell and
small angle X-ray scattering apparatus."
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38, Part 1,
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31. M.
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"A small angle neutron scattering study of a pressure
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AOT, D2O, and n-decane."
Physical Review E, 59, No. 3, 3169 - 3176 (1999).
32. H. Seto, T. Kato, M. Monkenbusch, T. Takeda, Y.
Kawabata, M. Nagao, D. Okuhara, M. Imai, and S. Komura
"Collective motions of a network of wormlike micelles."
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 60,
1371-1373 (1999).
33. M. Nagao, H. Seto, D. Okuhara, and Y. Matsushita
"Temperature- and pressure-induced phase transition in a
ternary microemulsion system."
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 60,
1363-1365 (1999).
34. T. Takeda, H. Seto, Y. Kawabata, D. Okuhara, T.
Krist, C. M. E. Zeyen, I. S. Anderson, P. Hoeghoej, M. Nagao, H.
Yoshizawa, S. Komura, T. Ebisawa and S. Tasaki,
"Improvement of neutron spin echo spectrometer at C2-2 of
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1599-1601 (1999).
35. T. Takeda, Y. Kawabata, H. Seto, S. K. Ghosh, D.
Okuhara, S. Komura, M. Nagao, A. Brulet, and J. Teixeira
"Neutron spin echo investigations of membrane undulations
in complex fluids involving amphiphiles"
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 60,
1375-1377 (1999).
36. T. Kanaya, H. Watanabe, Y. Matsushita, T. Takeda,
H. Seto, M. Nagao, Y. Fujii, and K. Kaji
"Neutron spin echo studies on dynamics of polymeric
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1367-1369 (1999).
37. M. Hirai, R. K. Hirai, H. Iwase, S. Arai, S.
Mitsuya, T. Takeda, H. Seto, M. Nagao
"Dynamics of w/o AOT microemulsions studied by neutron spin
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 60,
1359-1361 (1999).
38. M. Nagao, H. Seto, Y. Kawabata, and T. Takeda
"Temperature and Pressure Effects on Structural Formations
in a Ternary Microemulsion."
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 33, 653 - 656
Seto, D. Okuhara, Y. Kawabata, T. Takeda, M. Nagao, J. Suzuki, H.
Kamikubo, and Y. Amemiya
"Pressure and temperature effects on the phase transition
from a dense droplet to a lamellar structure in a ternary
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 112, 10608-10614
40. H. Matsuoka, Y. Yamamoto, M. Nakano, H. Endo, H.
Yamaoka, R. Zorn, M. Monkenbusch, D. Richter, H. Seto, Y.
Kawabata, and M. Nagao
"Neutron Spin Echo Study of the Dynamics of Polymer Micelle
in Aqueous Solution"
Langmuir, 16, 9177 - 9185 (2000).
41. Y. Kawabata, M. Nagao, H. Seto, and T. Takeda
"Neutron Spin Echo Studies on Effects of Temperature and
Pressure in Dynamics of a Ternary Microemulsion"
Studies in Surface Science and Calalysis, 132, 209
42. T. Takeda, Y. Kawabata, H. Seto, S. Komura, S. K.
Ghosh, and M. Nagao
"Neutron Spin Echo Investigations on Slow Dynamics in
Complex Fluids Involving Amphiphiles"
Studies in Surface Science and Calalysis, 132
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43. S.
Komura, T. Takeda, Y. Kawabata, S. K. Ghosh, H. Seto, and M. Nagao
"Dynamical fluctuation of the mesoscopic structure in
ternary C12E5
/ water / n-octane amphiphilic system"
Physical Review E, 63, 41402 (2001).
44. M. Nagao, H. Seto, and Y. Kawabata
"Carbon Number Study on Self-Assmble Mechanisms in AOT / D2O / n-alkane Microemulsion
Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 70, Suppl. A,
335 (2001).
45. Y. Kawabata, M. Nagao, S. Satoh, H. Seto, and T.
"Development of the Measurement System of Neutron Spin Echo
Spectrometer ISSP-NSE at JRR-3M"
Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 70, Suppl. A,
445 (2001).
46. T. Takeda, Y. Kawabata, H. Seto, S. Komura, and M.
"Neutron Spin Echo Investigations on Dynamics in Ternary C12E5
/ n-octane / D2O and DPPC / D2O / CaCl2 Amphiphilic Systems"
Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 70, Suppl. A,
323 (2001).
47. K. Funayama, T. Imae, K. Aoi, K. Tsutsumiuchi, M.
Okada, H. Seto, and M. Nagao
"Characterizations of Sugar Ball in Solution by SANS and
Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 70, Suppl. A,
326 (2001).
48. S. Komura, T. Takeda, Y. Kawabata, S. K. Ghosh, H.
Seto, and M. Nagao
"Hydrodynamic interactions in the structural fluctuation of
a ternary amphiphilic system C12E5 / water / n-octane"
The European Physical Journal E, 5, 329 (2001).
H. Seto, M. Nagao, Y. Kawabata, and T. Takeda
"Pressure-induced structural phase transition of dense
droplet microemulsions studied by small-angle x-ray scattering."
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 115, 9496-9502
M. Nagao, H. Seto, Y. Kawabata, and T. Takeda
"Effects of temperature and pressure on phase transitions
in a ternary microemulsion system."
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 115, 10036-10044
51. S. Komura, T. Takeda, H. Seto and M. Nagao
"Dynamical fluctuation of cylindrical micelles and
membranes in binary and ternary amphiphilic microemulsion systems"
Lecture Notes in Physics, 601, 302-311 (2002).
52. Y. Kawabata, H. Seto, M. Nagao, and T. Takeda
"Temeperature- and Pressure-dependences of Shape
Fluctuations in a Ternary Microemulsion System."
Journal of Neutron Research, 10 (3-4), 131-136
53. T. Kanaya, N. Takahashi, K. Nishida, K. Kaji, H.
Seto, M. Nagao, Y. Kawabata, and T. Takeda
"Neutron Spin Echo Studies on Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Gel in a
Mixture of Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Water."
Journal of Neutron Research, 10 (3-4), 149-153
54. Y. Kawabata, M. Nagao, H. Seto, S. Komura, T.
Takeda, and D. Schwahn
"Neutron Spin Echo Studies on the Effects of Temperature
and Pressure in a Ternary Microemulsion."
Applied Physics A 74 [Suppl.], S534-S536 (2002).
55. T. Takeda, H. Seto, and Y. Kawabata
"Development of spin flippers with steady current for a
TOF-NSE spectrometer at a pulsed spallation neutron source."
Applied Physics A 74 [Suppl.], S177-S179 (2002).
56. K. Yoshida, T. Yamaguchi, M. Nagao, Y. Kawabata,
and H. Seto
"Slow Dynamics of n-Butoxyethanol-Water Mixture by Neutron
Spin Echo Technique."
Applied Physics A 74 [Suppl.], S386-S388 (2002).
M. Nagao, H. Seto, M. Shibayama, and N. L. Yamada
"Small-angle neutron scattering study of droplet density
dependence of the water-in-oil droplet structure in a ternary
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 36, 602-606
H. Seto, H. Nobutou, N. Yamada, T. Takeda, D. Ihara,
M. Nagao, and K. Inoue
"A swollen gel phase of DPPC aqueous solution with small
amount of ethanol observed at moderate pressure and temperature"
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 36, 607-611
K. Funayama, T. Imae, H. Seto, K. Aoi, K.
Tsutsumiuchi, M. Okada, M. Nagao, and M. Furusaka
"Fast and Slow Dynamics of Water-Soluble Dendrimers
Consisting of Amido-Amine Repeating Units by Neutron Spin Echo."
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107, 1353-1359
T. Takeda, N. L. Yamada, H. Seto, and Y. Kawabata
"Development of spin flippers with steady current for the
TOF-NSE spectrometer"
Physica B 335, 211 - 214 (2003).
M. Imai, K. Nakaya, T. Kawakatsu, and H. Seto
"Dynamical nature of least stable fluctuation modes of
lamellar structure observed in a nonionic surfactant / water
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 119, 8103 (2003).
Y. Kawabata, M. Nagao, H. Seto, S. Komura, T. Takeda, D. Schwahn,
N. L. Yamada, and H. Nobutou
"Temperature and pressure effects on the bending modulus of
monolayers in a ternary microemulsion"
Physical Review Letters, 92, 056103 (2004).
T. Kanaya, N. Takahashi, K. Nishida, H. Seto, M.
Nagao, and T. Takeda
"Neutron spin-echo studies on dynamic and static
fluctuations in two types of poly(vinyl alcohol) gels"
Physical Review E 71, 011801 (2005).
64. N.
L. Yamada, T. Takeda, K. Kato, M. Nagao, and H. Seto
"Effect of confinement on membrane undulation in a swollen
lamellar phase"
Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 74, 875 - 877
K. Yoshida, T. Yamaguchi, T. Otomo, M. Nagao, H.
Seto, and T. Takeda
"Concentration Fluctuations and Cluster Dynamics of
2-Butoxyetahnol-Water Mixtures by Small-angle Neutron Scattering
and Neutron Spin Echo Techniques"
Journal of Molecular Liquid, 119, 125 - 131 (2005).
M. Hishida, H. Seto, and Y. Yoshikawa
"Smooth / rough layering in liquid-crystalline / gel state
of dry phospholipid film, in relation to its ability to generate
giant vesicles"
Chemical Physics Letters, 411, 267 - 272 (2005).
M. Nagao, H. Seto, D. Ihara, M. Shibayama, and T. Takeda
"Pressure-induced hexagonal phase in a ternary
microemulsion system composed of a non-ionic surfactant, water,
and oil"
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 123, 054705
N. L. Yamada, H. Seto, T. Takeda, M. Nagao, Y.
Kawabata and K. Inoue
"SAXS, SANS and NSE studies on the "unbound state" in the
DPPC/water/CaCl2 system"
Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 74, 2853 -
2859 (2005).
H. Seto, M. Nagao, and Y. Kawabata
"Pressure-dependence of the bending modulus of surfactant
monolayers in ternary microemulsion systems observed by neutron
spin echo"
Colloid and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering
Aspects, 284-285, 430 - 433 (2006).
M. Hishida, H. Seto, P. Kaewaisa, H. Matsuoka, and K.
"Stacking structures of dry phospholipid films on a solid
Colloid and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering
Aspects, 284-285, 444 - 447 (2006).
K. Sadakane, H. Seto, and M. Nagao
“Long-range periodic structure induced by coupling of the
solvation effect and concentration fluctuation in water and
3-methylpyridine with salts”
Chemical Physics Letters, 426, 61-65 (2006).
T. Kanaya, N. Takahashi, K. Nishida, H. Seto, M. Nagao, and T.
"Dynamic and static fluctuations in polymer gels studied by
neutron spin-echo"
Physica B 385-386, 676-681 (2006).
N. L. Yamada, N. Torikai, T. Nakai, M. Hishida, K.
Sakurai, and H. Seto
"Effects of NaI salt on structure of a spin-coated DMPC
lipid film"
Physica B 385-386, 719-721 (2006).
M. Nagao, H. Seto, M. Shibayama, and T. Takeda
"Pressure effect on semi-microscopic structures in a
non-ionic microemulsion"
Physica B 385-386, 783-786 (2006).
M. Nagao, N. L. Yamada, Y. Kawabata, H. Seto, H.
Yoshizawa, and T. Takeda
"Relocation and Upgrade of Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer,
Physica B 385-386, 1118-1121 (2006).
Y. Kawabata, M. Hino, M. Kitaguchi, H. Hayashida, S.
Tasaki, T. Ebisawa, D. Yamazaki, R. Maruyama, H. Seto, M. Nagao,
and T. Kanaya
"Development Project of Neutron Resonance Spin Echo and
MIEZE spectrometers in Japan"
Physica B 385-386, 1122-1124 (2006).
T. Takeda, N. L. Yamada, K. Katou, M. Nagao, H. Seto, Y. Kawabata,
M. Takeda, and N. Torikai
"Development of pi and pi/2 Flippers for a Neutron Spin
Echo Spectrometer"
Journal of Neutron Research 15, 83-39 (2007).
K. Sadakane, H. Seto, H. Endo, and M. Kojima
"Mesoscopic structure in near-critical mixtures of D2O and 3-Methylpyridine with salts"
Journal of Applied Crystallography 40, s527-s531
H. Seto, M. Hishida, H. Nobutou, N. L. Yamada, M. Nagao, and T.
"Strucutural Changes of Dipalmitoyl Phosphatidylcholine
Aqueous Solution Induced by Temperature, Pressure, and Adding
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 76, 054602
M. Nagao, H. Seto, and N. L. Yamada
"Interaction between droplets in a ternary microemulsion
evaluated by the relative form factor method"
Physical Review E, 75, 061401 (2007).
Y. Kawabata, H. Seto, M. Nagao, and T. Takeda
"Pressure Effects on Bending Elasticities of Surfactant
Monolayers in a Ternary Microemulsion Composed of AOT / D2O / decane"
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 127, 044705
L. Yamada, M. Hishida, H. Seto, K. Tsumoto, and T. Yoshimura
“Unbinding of lipid bilayers induced by osmotic pressure in
relation to unilamellar vesicle formation”
Europhysics Letters 80, 48002 (2007).
K. Sadakane, H. Seto, H. Endo, and M. Shibayama
“A Periodic Structure in a Mixture of D2O/3-Methylpyridine/NaBPh4 induced by Solvation Effect”
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 76, 113602
Y. Sumino, H. Kitahata, H. Seto, and K. Yoshikawa
“Blebbing dynamics in a oil-water-surfactant system through
the generation and the destruction of a gel-like structure”
Physical Review E 76, 055202(R) (2007).
M. Hishida, H. Seto, N. L. Yamada, and K. Yoshikawa,
"Hydration process of multi-stacked phospholipid bilayers"
Chemical Physics Letters 455, 297-302 (2008).
H. Seto, N. L. Yamada, M. Nagao, M. Hishida, and T. Takeda
“Bending modulus of lipid bilayers in liquid-crystalline
phase including anomalous swelling regime estimated by NSE
The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter 26,
217-223 (2008).
M. Nagao, and H. Seto
“Concentration dependence of shape and structure
&Mac223;uctuations of droplet microemulsions investigated by
neutron spin echo spectroscopy”
Physical Review E 78, 011507 (2008).
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &
Technology Vol. 18, Issue 6 (2008).
Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
Vol. 16, Issue 3 (2008).
M. Negishi, H. Seto, M. Hase, and K. Yoshikawa
“How Does the Mobility of Phospholipid Molecules at a
Water/Oil Interface Reflect the Viscosity of the Surronding Oil?”
Langmuir 24, 8431-8434 (2008).
K. Sadakane, H. Kitahata, H. Seto, and K. Yoshikawa
“Rhythmic oscillation and dynamic instability of
micrometer-sized phase-separation under continuous photon-flux by
a focused laser”
Physical Review E 78, 046214 (2008).
M. Nagao and H. Seto
“Full fitting analysis of the relative intermediate form
factor measured by neutron spin echo”
Physica B 404, 2603-2606 (2009).
N. L. Yamada, H. Endo, N. Osaka, Y. Kawabata, M. Nagao, T. Takeda,
H. Seto and M. Shibayama
“Detector area expansion at iNSE neutron spin echo
Physica B 404, 2607-2610 (2009).
K. Sadakane, A. Onuki, K. Nishida, S. Koizumi, and H. Seto
"Multilamellar Structures Induced by Hydrophilic and
Hydrophobic Ions Added to a Binary Mixture of D2O
and 3-Methylpyridine"
Physical Review Letters, 103, 167803 (2009).
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &
Technology Vol. 20, Issue 17 (2009).
Y. Sumino, H. Kitahata, H. Seto, S. Nakata, and K. Yoshikawa
"Spontaneous Deformation of an Oil Droplet Induced by the
Cooperative Transport of Cationic and Anionic Surfactants through
the Interface"
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113 (48),
15709-15714 (2009).
M. Hishida, N. L. Yamada, K. Yoshikawa, and H. Seto,
"Morphological development of multilamellar phospholipid
film depending on drying kinetics",
Physical Review E, 80, 051407 (2009).
N. Shimokawa, M. Hishida, H. Seto, and K. Yoshikawa,
“Phase separation of a mixture of charged and neutral
lipids on a giant vesicle induced by small cations”
Chemical Physics Letters, 496, 59-63 (2010).
M. Hishida, and H. Seto*
“Lamellar-lamellar phase separation of phospholipid
Journal of Physics Conference Series, 272, 012008
K. Mitamura, N. L. Yamada, H. Sagehashi, H. Seto, N. Torikai, T.
Sugita, M. Furusaka, and A. Takahara*
“Advanced Neutron Reflectometer for Investigation on
Dynamic/Static Structures of Soft-Interfaces in J-PARC”
Journal of Physics Conference Series, 272, 012017
K. Sadakane, N. Iguchi, M. Nagao, H. Endo, Y. B. Melnichenko, and
H. Seto*
“2D-Ising-like critical behavior in mixtures of water and
3-methylpyridine including antagonistic salt or ionic surfactant”
Soft Matter, 7, 1334-1340 (2011).
99. Y. Takenaka*, H. Kitahata, N. L. Yamada, H. Seto,
and M. Hara
“Growth of gold nanorods in gelled surfactant solutions”
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 356,
111-117 (2011).
Y. Sumino*, H. Kitahata, H. Seto, and K. Yoshikawa
“Dynamical blebbing at a droplet interface driven by
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101. N. L. Yamada*, N. Torikai, K. Mitamura, H. Sagehashi, S. Sato, H. Seto, T. Sugita, S. Goko, M. Furusaka, T. Oda, M. Hino, T. Fujiwara, H. Takahashi, and A. Takahara
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104. Y. Takenaka*, H. Kitahata, N. L.
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K. Sadakane, Y. Horikawa, M. Nagao, and H. Seto
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107. K. Mitamura, N. L. Yamada, H. Sagehashi, N.
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109. T. Tominaga, S. Takata, J. Suzuki, K. Aizawa, H.
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H. Seto, S. Itoh, T. Yokoo, H. Endo, K. Nakajima, K. Shibata, R.
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K. Nishida, H. Morita, Y. Katayama, R. Inoue, T. Kanaya, K.
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Y. Kawabata, R. Bradbury, S. Kugizaki, K. Weigandt, Y. B.
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116. M. Hino, T. Oda, N. L. Yamada, H. Endo, H. Seto,
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117. T. Yamada, N. Takahashi, T. Tominaga, S. Takata, and H. Seto
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118. K. Hori, N. L. Yamada, Y. Fujii, T. Masui, H. Kishimoto and H. Seto
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119. K. Sadakane and H. Seto
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120. R. Kajimoto, T. Yokoo, M. Nakamura, Y. Kawakita, M. Matsuura, H. Endo, H. Seto, S. Itoh, K. Nakajima, S. Ohira-Kawamura
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121. M. Hino, T. Oda, H. Endo, N. L. Yamada, and H. Seto
"A study of TOF-MIEZE reflectometry for nanomagnetic dynamics"
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122. T. Yamada and H. Seto
"Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering Studies on Hydration Water in Phospholipid Membranes"
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123. H. Seto and T. Yamada
"Quasielastic neutron scattering study of the effects of metal cations on the hydration water between phospholipid bilayers"
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124. S. Kajiyama, H. Iwase, M. Nakayama, R. Ichikawa, D. Yamaguchi, H. Seto and T. Kato
"Shear-induced liquid-crystalline phase transition behaviour of colloidal solutions of hydroxyapatite nanorod composites"
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125. M. Tanaka and H. Seto
"Interfacial Water: A Physical Chemistry Perspective"
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126. T. Oda, M. Hino, H. Endo, H. Seto, and Y. Kawabata
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127.H. Singh, D. Ray, S. Kumar, S. Takata, V. K. Aswal, and H. Seto
"Probing the adsorption of nonionic micelles on different-sized nanoparticles by scattering techniques"
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128. F. Nemoto, N. L. Yamada, F. Takabatake, and H. Seto
"Installation of a Rheometer on Neutron Reflectometer SOFIA at J-PARC toward Rheo-NR and Observation of the Crystallization Bahavior of Cocoa Butter in Chocolate"
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129.S. Kumar, D. Saha, S. Takata, V. K. Aswal and H. Seto
"Modifications in the nanoparticle-protein interactions for tuning the protein adsorption and controlling the stability of complexes"
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130.Y. Fujii, T. Tominaga, D. Murakami, M. Tanaka and H. Seto
"Local Dynamics of the Hydration Water and Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Chains in PMMA Networks"
Frontiers in Chemistry, 9, 728738 (2021).
131. F. Nemoto, N. L. Yamada, M. Hino, H. Aoki and H. Seto,
"Neutron Reflectometry-Based In Situ Structural Analysis of an Aligning Agent Additive for the Alignment of Nematic Liquid Crystals on Solid Substrates"
Soft Matter, 18, 543-553 (2022).
12. T. Tominaga, M. Hishida, D. Murakami, Y. Fujii, M. Tanaka, and H. Seto,
"Experimental Evidence of Slow Mode Water in the Vicinity of Poly(ethylene oxide) at Physiological Temperature"
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126, 1758-1767 (2022).
133. Y. Xie, J. Iwata, T. Matsumoto, N. L. Yamada, F. Nemoto, H. Seto, and T. Nishino,
"Hydrophobicity of the Pentafluorosulfanyl Group in Side Chains of Polymethacrylates by Evaluation with Surface Free Energy and Neutron Reflectivity"
Langmuir, 38, 6472-6480 (2022).
134. K. Shimokita, K. Yamamoto, N. Miyata, H. Arima-Osonoi, Y. Nakanishi, M. Takenaka, M. Shibata, N. L. Yamada, H. Seto, H. Aoki, and T. Miyazaki,
"Neutron Reflectivity Study on the Suppression of Interfacial Water Accumulation between a Polypropylene Thin Film and Si Substrate Using a Silane-Coupling Agent"
Langmuir, 38, 12457-12465 (2022).
135. K. Shimokita, K. Yamamoto, N. Miyata, Y. Nakanishi, M. Shibata, M. Takenaka, N. L. Yamada, H. Seto, H. Aoki, and T. Miyazaki,
"Neutron reflectivity study on the nanostructure of PMMA chains near substrate interfaces based on contrast variation accompanied with small molecule sorption"
Soft Matter, 19, 2081-2089 (2023).
136. M. Nagao and H. Seto,
"Neutron scattering studies on dynamics of lipid membranes"
Biophysics Reviews, 4, 021306 (2023).
137. M. K. Rahman, T. Yamada, N. L Yamada, M. Hishida, Y. Higuchi, and H. Seto
"Quasi-elastic neutron scattering reveals the relationship between the dynamical behavior of phospholipid headgroups and hydration water"
Structural Dynamics, 10, 044701 (2023).
138. T. Matsumoto, M. Yorifuji, R. Hori, M. Hara, N. L. Yamada, H. Seto, and T. Nishino,
"Selective Acetylation of Amorphous Region of Poly(vinyl alcohol) in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide"
Polymer Journal, 55, 1287-1293 (2023).
139. H. Tsuji, M. Nakahata, M. Hishida, H. Seto, R. Motokawa, T. Inoue, and Y. Egawa
"Water Fraction Dependence of the Aggregation Behavior of Hydrophobic Fluorescent Solutes in Water-Tetrahydrofran"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, 11235-11241 (2023).
140. T. Kikuchi, T. Tominaga, D. Murakami, N. de Souza, M. Tanaka, and H. Seto
"Detailed dynamical features of the slow hydration water in the vicinity of poly(ethylene oxide) chains"
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160, 064902 (2024).
141. K. Shimokita, K. Yamamoto, N. Miyata, M. Shibata, M. Arakawa, M. Takenaka, T. Kida, K. Tokumitsu, R. Tanaka, T. Shiono, M. Yamada, H. Seto, N. L. Yamada, H. Aoki, and T. Miyazaki
"Neutron Reflectivity Study on the Adsorption Layer of Polyethylene Grown on Si Substrate"
Langmuir, 40, 15758-15766 (2024).
142. K. Nagase, K. Yamaoka, R. Shimane, N. Kojima, N. L. Yamada, H. Seto and Y. Fujii
"Temperature-Dependent Behavior of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Brushes via Neutron Reflectometry"
Surface and Interfaces, 54, 105268 (2024).
143. T. Miyazaki, N. Miyata, H. Arima-Osonoi, K. Shimokita, K. Yamamoto, M. Takenaka, Y. Nakanishi, M. Shibata, H. Aoki, N. L. Yamada, and H. Seto
"Adsorption isotherm and kinetics of diffusion of water accumulated between polypropylene thin film and Si substrate: Neutron reflectivity investigation"
Colloid Surf. A-Physicochem. Eng. Asp., 701, 134928 (2024).
144. F. Nemoto, F. Takabatake, N. L. Yamada, S. Takata, and H. Seto
"Difference in Structural Changes of Surfactant Aggregates near Solid Surface under Shear Flow Versus those in the Bulk"
The Journal of Chemical Physics,161,164902 (2024).
145. K. Yamamoto, T. Imai, A. Kawai, E. Ito, N. Miyata, N. L. Yamada, H. Seto, and H. Aoki
"Surface Depth Analysis of Chemical Changes in Random Copolymer Thin Films Composed of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Silicon-Based Monomers Induced by Plasma Treatment as Studied by Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Neutron Reflectivity Measurements"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, 66782-66791 (2024).
146. S. Tamura, H. Mokudai, T. Masaki, H. Taguchi, T. Kikuchi, N. L. Yamada, H. Seto, H. Matsuno, and K. Tanaka
"Internal Structure Dependence of Biodegradation for Polyamide 4 Thin Films in Seawater"
Biomacromolecules, published on-line.