Presentation - Update 30 Jan 2015
Presentaion materials by myself and my collaborators.
格子QCDシミュレーションにおける固有値問題 (in Japanese)
H.Matsufuru (招待講演),
特異値固有値合同ワークショップ, 21-22 Nov 2009,
Nc=2 格子ゲージ理論のWilson-Dirac演算子に関する相構造
Y. Kikukawa, H.Matsufuru, and N. Yamada,
Talk at JPS autumn meeting, 10-13 Sep 2009, Konan Univ., Kobe
Study of Aoki phase in Nc=2 gauge theories with
fundamental and adjoint fermions
H.Matsufuru with Y. Kikukawa and N. Yamada,
Poster at Lattice 2009, 27 Jul 2009, Beijing
松古栄夫 in collaboration with 青山龍美、野秋淳一、山田憲和
GPGPU研究会, 筑波大学計算科学研究センター, 24 Jun 2009.
Lattice QCD simulation with exact chiral symmetry
H.Matsufuru for JLQCD Collaboration,
Seminar at RIKEN, Wako, 15 May 2009.
Lattice QCD simulation with exact chiral symmetry
- Not yet at finite temperature -
Talk presented at
Theramal Field Theory and its Application,
3-5 September 2008, YITP, Kyoto Univ.
Simulation with 2+1 flavors of dynamical overlap fermions
H.Matsufuru for JLQCD-TWQCD Collaboration,
Poster presented at
The XXVI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory
(Lattice 2008),
14-19 2008 July, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA.
Lattice QCD simulation with exact chiral symmetry
H.Matsufuru for JLQCD Collaboration,
Talk presented at
Japan Physical Society 2008 Spring (annual) Meeting,
22-26 March 2008, Kinki University, Higashi-osaka, Japan.
Site report on physics plan from Japan
by H. Matsufuru,
talk given at
11th International Lattice Data Grid Workshop,
30 Nov 2007, TV conference hosted by SAPAC, Adelaide.
Dynamical lattice QCD simulation with 2+1 flavors of
overlap fermions
H.Matsufuru for JLQCD Collaboration,
Japan Physical Society Spring Meeting,
21-24 September 2007, Hokkaido Univ.
Exploring chiral regime with dynamical overlap fermions
H.Matsufuru for JLQCD and TWQCD Collaborations,
The XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory,
30 July - 4 August 2007, Univ. Regensburg, Germany.
39th Fluid dynamics/Aerospace simulation technology
symposium 2007,
14-15 June 2007, JAXA.
ILDG10 report from Japan - Physics plan in
by H. Matsufuru,
talk given at
10th International Lattice Data Grid Workshop,
18 May 2007, TV conference hosted by SAPAC, Adelaide.
Dynamical lattice QCD simulation with 2+1 flavors of
overlap fermions
H.Matsufuru for JLQCD Collaboration,
Japan Physical Society Spring Meeting,
25-28 March 2007, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Availability of JLDG configuration at RCNP
by H. Matsufuru,
reported at RCNP Supercomputer meeting,
Japan Physical Society Spring Meeting,
25-28 March 2007, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Lattice QCD simulation with dynamical overlap fermions
- JLQCD Collaboration's overlap project -
H.Matsufuru for JLQCD Collaboration,
Seminar talk at E-lab, Nagoya Univ., 16 January 2007
Lattice QCD simulation with 2+1 flavors of dynamical
overlap fermions
H.Matsufuru for JLQCD Collaboration,
Seminar talk at Taiwan National Univ., 29 November 2006
Lattice QCD simulation with 2+1 flavors of dynamical
overlap fermions
H.Matsufuru for JLQCD Collaboration: with H.Fukaya,
S.Hashimoto, K.Kanaya, T.Kaneko, M.Okamoto, T.Onogi, and N.Yamada
talk given by H.M. at
Joint Meeting of Pacific Region Particle Physics Communities,
29 October - 3 November 2006, Honolulu, USA
Improvement of algorithms for dynamical overlap fermions
H.Matsufuru for JLQCD Collaboration: with H. Fukaya,
S. Hashimoto, K. Kanaya, T. Kaneko, M. Okamoto, K. Ogawa,
T. Onogi, and N. Yamada
talk given by H.M. at
XXIV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory,
23-28 July 2006, Tucson, USA
ILDG8 report from Japan - site reports on physics
by H. Matsufuru,
talk given at
8th International Lattice Data Grid Workshop,
May 11, 2006, TV conference hosted by DESY Zeuthen.
HEPnet-J/sc 現状と計画
by H. Matsufuru,
talk given at
HEPnet-J users meeting,
9-10 Mar 2006, at KEK
by H. Matsufuru,
talk given at
HEPnet-J users meeting,
9-10 Mar 2006, at KEK
by H. Matsufuru,
talk given at
6-8 Feb 2006, KEK
ILDG7 report from Japan - plans for data generation &
by H. Matsufuru,
talk given at
7th International Lattice Data Grid Workshop,
Dec 8, 2005, TV conference hosted by Center for
Sciences, Boston Univ.
Overlap fermion with topology conserving gauge action
H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, T. Hirohashi, H. Matsufuru,
K. Ogawa, T. Onogi
poster given by H.M. at
XXIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory,
25-30 July 2005, Dublin, Ireland
Accurate determination of gauge and quark actions
on anisotropic lattices
H. Matsufuru, H. Fukaya, T. Onogi, T. Umeda, and M. Okawa,
talk given by H.M. at Japan Physical Society Autumn Meeting,
27-30 September 2004, Kochi
Anisotropic lattice with nonperturbative accuracy
H. Matsufuru, H. Fukaya, T. Onogi, T. Umeda, and M. Okawa,
poster given by H.M. at
``XXII International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory'',
21-26 June 2004, Fermilab, USA
Charmonium properties at finite temperature on quenched
anisotropic lattices
T. Umeda and H. Matsufuru,
talk given by T. Umeda at
``XXII International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory'',
21-26 June 2004, Fermilab, USA.
Meson correlators in lattice QCD at finite temperature
H. Matsufuru, T. Umeda, and K. Nomura,
talk given by H.M. at RIKEN BNL workshop
``Lattice QCD
at finite temperature and density'',
8-12 February 2004, BNL, USA.
Two figures in p24 have been replaced. (21 Apr 2004)
Nonperturbative improvement on anisotropic lattices
T. Onogi, H. Matsufuru, T. Umeda and H. Fukaya,
Talk given by T.Umeda at CCP Univ. Tsukuba winter school and workshop
Nonperturbative improvement and renormalization'',
2-4 February 2004, Tsukuba, Japan.
Heavy quark physics on anisotropic lattices
H. Matsufuru, H. Fukaya, T. Onogi, and T. Umeda,
talk given by H.M. at KEK workshop
``Hadron Physics and
Lattice QCD'', 28-30 January 2004, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan.
Meson spectral functions near the deconfining transition
T. Umeda, K. Nomura and H. Matsufuru,
Talk given by T.Umeda at KEK workshop
``Hadron Physics and
Lattice QCD'', 28-30 January 2004, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan.
Charmonium correlators at finite temperature
in quenched lattice QCD
H. Matsufuru, T. Umeda and K. Nomura
Talk given by H.M. at International Conference on
Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics'',
21-24 July 2003, Wako, Japan
[26 Jul 2003 updated]
Anisotropic lattices for precision computations
in heavy flavor physics
H. Matsufuru, M. Okawa, T. Onogi, and T. Umeda
Poster given by H.M. at
``XXI International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory'',
15-19 July 2003, Tsukuba, Japan
Light meson correlation functions near the deconfining
transition on anisotropic lattices
T. Umeda, K. Nomura, and H. Matsufuru
Poster given by T.Umeda at
``XXI International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory'',
15-19 July 2003, Tsukuba, Japan
Numerical study of staggered fermion
on anisotropic lattices
K. Nomura, T. Umeda and H. Matsufuru
Talk given by K.Nomura at
``XXI International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory'',
15-19 July 2003, Tsukuba, Japan
The structure in mesonic channels above Tc lattice results from
the QCD-TARO Collaboration [PS]
I.-O. Stamatescu for QCD-TARO Collaboration
Poster given by I.-O. Stamatescu at workshop on
``Strong and Electroweak Matter'',
2-5 Ocober 2002, Heidelberg, Germany
Heavy quark systems in anisotropic lattice QCD
- Toward precision computation of heavy-light matrix elements -
H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi, A. Sugita and J. Harada
Talk given by H.M. at International Conference ``PANIC 2002'',
30 Sep - 4 Oct 2002, Osaka, Japan
Charmonium near the deconfining transition on the lattice
T. Umeda, H. Matsufuru, O. Miyamura and K. Nomura,
Talk given by T.Umeda at International Conference ``PANIC 2002'',
30 Sep - 4 Oct 2002, Osaka, Japan
Heavy-light meson in anisotropic lattice QCD
H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi, A. Sugita and J.Harada
Talk given by H.M. at Lattice 2002, MIT, USA, 24-29 Jun 2002
Temporal meson correlators at finite temperature
on quenched anisotropic lattice
K. Nomura, O. Miyamura, T. Umeda and H. Matsufuru
Poster given by K.Nomura at Lattice 2002, MIT, USA, 24-29 Jun 2002
Heavy-light meson in anisotropic lattice QCD
H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi, A. Sugita and J.Harada
Talk given by H.M. at JPS annual meeting, Kusatsu, 24-27 Mar 2002
Charmed hadron physics in quenched anisotropic
lattice QCD
J.Harada, H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi and A. Sugita
Poster given by H.M. at 5th KEK Topical Conference
-- Frontiers in Flavor Physics --, 20-22 Nov 2001, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
Measurement of screening mass at finite temperature on
anisotropic lattice
K. Nomura, O. Miyamura, T. Umeda and H. Matsufuru
Talk given by K.Nomura at JPS Autumn meeting, 22-25 Sep 2001,
Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan
Spectral function with maximum entropy method
on anisotropic lattice
T. Umeda and H. Matsufuru
Talk given by T. Umeda at JPS Autumn meeting, 22-25 Sep 2001,
Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan
O(a) improved Wilson Quark Action on Anisotropic Lattice
H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi and T. Umeda
Talks given by T.Umeda at International Symposium on
Lattice Field Theory, 19-24 Aug 2001, Berlin, Germany
O(a) improved Wilson Quark Action on Anisotropic Lattice
H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi and T. Umeda
Talks given by H.M. at International Symposium on
Lattice Field Theory, 19-24 Aug 2001, Berlin, Germany
Study of spatial meson correlators at finite temperature
in quenched QCD on anisotropic lattice
K. Nomura, O. Miyamura, T. Umeda and H. Matsufuru
Poster given by K.Nomura at International Symposium on
Lattice Field Theory, 19-24 Aug 2001, Berlin, Germany
J/ψ at finite temperature - Lattice QCD result and potential
model analysis -
H.Matsufuru, O. Miyamura, T. Umeda and H. Suganuma
Talk given by H.M. at International Symposium on
``Hadrons and Nuclei'', 20-22 Feb 2001, Seoul, Korea
SU(3) Lattice QCD Study for Static Three-Quark Potential
T.T. Takahashi, H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and H. Suganuma
Talk given by T.T.Takahashi at International Symposium on
``Hadrons and Nuclei'', 20-22 Feb 2001, Seoul, Korea
Systematic Study of Octet and Decuplet Baryon Spectra in SU(3)
Lattice QCD
N. Nakajima, H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and H. Suganuma
Talk given by N.Nakajima at International Symposium on
``Hadrons and Nuclei'', 20-22 Feb 2001, Seoul, Korea
SU(3) Lattice QCD Study for Static Three-Quark Potential
T.T. Takahashi, H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and H. Suganuma
Talk given by T.T.Takahashi at JPS Annual Meeting, 30 Mar 2001
Hadron Spectroscopy in ASnisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Nakajima, H. Suganuma, H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and T. Umeda
Talk given by N.Nakajima at JPS Annual Meeting, 30 Mar 2001
Charmonium physics at finite temperature on the lattice
T.Umeda, O. Miyamura, H. Matsufuru and R. Katayama
Talk given by T.Umeda at Gen-Ken Workshop on Hadrons in
Extreme Condition, 24-26 Jan 2000, Tokai-mura, Japan
Lattice QCD Study of Three Quark Potential
H.Matsufuru, Y.Nemoto, H.Suganuma, T.T.Takahashi and T.Umeda
Talk given by H.M. at International Symposium Confinement 2000,
7-10 Mar 2000, Suita, Osaka, Japan
Charmonium physics in finite temperature lattice QCD
T.Umeda, O. Miyamura, H. Matsufuru and R. Katayama
Talk given by T.Umeda at International Symposium Confinement 2000,
7-10 Mar 2000, Suita, Osaka, Japan
Static Three Quark potential in the Quenched lattice QCD
H.Matsufuru, T.T.Takahashi, Y. Nemoto, H. Suganuma and T. Umeda
Talk given by H.M. at Lattice 2000, Aug 2000, Bangalore, India
Hadron Spectroscopy on Anisotropic Lattice
N.Nakajima, H.Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto, H. Suganuma and T. Umeda
Talk given by N.Nakajima at KEK Workshop
``Progress in lattice gauge theory on parallel computers''
11-13 Dec 2000, KEK, Tshukuba, Japan
Meson above the deconfining transition
T.Umeda for QCD-TARO Collaboration
Talk given by T.Umeda at Workshop on Hadrons at Ultimate Condition,
11-12 Mar 1999, Tokai-mura, Japan
Lattice study of mesons near deconfining transition
H.Matsufuru for QCD-TARO Collaboration
Talk given by H.M. at Lecture-Meeting on Hadron Physics, 23 Mar 1999
Hiroshima Univ., Higashi-hiroshima, Japan
梅田貴士 for QCD-TARO Collaboration
Talk given by T.Umeda at JPS Annual Meeting, 28-31 Mar 1999,
Higashi-hiroshima, Japan
Clover action on anisotropic lattice
R. Katayama, H. Matsufuru, T. Umeda and O. Miyamura
Talk given by R.Katayama at JPS Annual Meeting, 28-31 Mar 1999,
Higashi-hiroshima, Japan
Monte Carlo Renormalization Group Analysis of QCD
in two dimensional
H.Matsufuru for QCD-TARO Collaboration
Poster given by H.M. at XVIIth International Symposium on
Lattice Field Theory,
29 Jun - 3 Jul 1999, Pisa, Italy
A Study of Meson Correlators at Finite Temperature
T.Umeda for QCD-TARO Collaboration
Poster given by T.Umeda at XVIIth International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory,
29 Jun - 3 Jul 1999, Pisa, Italy
Finite temperature hadron physics on the lattice
T.Umeda for QCD-TARO Collaboration
Talk given by T.Umeda at Workshop on Thermal Field Theory,
25-27 Aug 1999, YITP, Kyoto, Japan
Meson spectroscopy with clover action on
anisotropic lattice
R. Katayama for QCD-TARO Collaboration
Talk given by R.Katayama at JPS Autumn Meeting,
23-26 Sep 1999, Shimane, Japan
Hadrons in finite temperature lattice QCD
H.Matsufuru for QCD-TARO Collaboration
Poster given by H.M. at TMU-Yale Symposium on Dynamics of Gauge Fields,
13-15 Dec 1999, Tokyo, Japan
The static 3-Quark potential in the SU(3) lattice
QCD simulation
T.T.Takahashi, H.Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and H. Suganuma
Poster given by T.T.Takahashi at TMU-Yale Symposium on Dynamics
of Gauge Fields, 13-15 Dec 1999, Tokyo, Japan
Static 3-Quark potential in the SU(3) lattice QCD simulation
T.T.Takahashi, H.Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and H. Suganuma
Talk given by T.T.Takahashi at KEK-Tanashi Workshop on Hadron Physics,
20-22 Dec 1999, Tokyo, Japan
Lattice Study of B \to \pi Semileptonic Decay using
Nonrelativistic QCD
H.Matsufuru, S. Hashimoto, K.-I. Ishikawa, T. Onogi and N. Yamada
Talk given by H.M. at XVth International Symposium on Lattice Field
Theory, 22-26 July 1997, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Spectral analysis at finite temperature on anisotropic
T.Hashimoto for QCD-TARO Collaboration
Talk given at YKIS 97, 1-12 Dec 1997, YITP, Kyoto
Copyright(c) Hideo Matsufuru 1997-2010