Asymmetry Analysis Collaboration (AAC) is a working group
on polarized parton distribution functions (polarized-PDF) formed
by theorists and experimentalists.
The purpose of the working group is to study current constraints
on the polarized-PDF and suggest future measurements
for better determination of these distributions.
FORTRAN library of Polarized PDF
AAC08 FORTRAN library source
(Nucl. Phys. B 813, 106-122 (2009))
compressed FORTRAN library package (1.555 KB)
This compressed file contains 7 files
(aac08.f, sample.f, aacnlo08_posi.grd, aacnlo08_node.grd, grad_posi.grd, grad_node.grd, and
This subroutine returns the values of the AAC08 polarized PDFs and their gradient terms
at specified Q2 and x point.
Available range:
10-9 <= X <= 1.0, and
1.0 GeV2 <= Q2 <= 108 GeV2.
Two PDF sets can be chosen in the set-B analysis:
- polarized PDFs with a positive-type gluon distribution,
- polarized PDFs with a node-type gluon distribution.
* For calculating uncertainties of the polarized PDFs by the Hessian method,
the inverse matrix of Hessian (error matrix) can be used by declaring
a common block: COMMON/ERRM/EM(11,11).
AAC03 FORTRAN library source
( Phys.Rev. D69, 054021 (2004) )
compressed FORTRAN library package (324 KB)
This compressed file contains 4 files (aac03e.f, sample.f, aacnlo.grd, and gradn.grd).
FORTRAN subroutine source file. Update version for uncertainty studies.
This subroutine returns the values of the AAC03 polarized PDFs and their gradient terms
at specified Q2 and x point.
Available range:
10-9 <= X <= 1.0, and
1.0 GeV2 <= Q2 <= 108 GeV2.
* For calculating uncertainties of the polarized PDFs by the Hessian method,
the inverse matrix of Hessian (error matrix) can be used by declaring
a common block: COMMON/ERRM/EM(11,11).
aacnlo.grd: grid data table file for NLO set
gradn.grd: grid data table file for gradient terms of the AAC03 polarized PDFs
compressed FORTRAN library package, previous version (102 KB)
AAC00 FORTRAN library source
Phys.Rev. D62 034017 (2000) )
aac00.tar.gz: compressed FORTRAN library package (148 KB)
This compressed file contains 5 files
(aac00.f, sample.f, aaclo.grd, aacnlo1.grd, and aacnlo2.grd).
aac00.f: FORTRAN subroutine source file
This subroutine returns the values of the AAC00 polarized PDF
and the structure function g1
at specified Q2 and x point.
Available range:
10-9 <= X <= 1.0, and
1.0 GeV2 <= Q2 <= 106 GeV2.
* The subroutine is separated grid data form the previous library subroutine
since the previous subroutine takes much times to compile.
aaclo.grd: grid data table file for LO set
aacnlo1.grd: grid data table file for NLO-1 set
aacnlo2.grd: grid data table file for NLO-2 set
Last Updated at Jan. 31, 2025