T. Kondo's GEANT4 Page

Updated on 2004.2.19
  • Geant4 “±“όƒR[ƒXŒšέ new
  • 2004.12.8-11: Geant4uK‰ο 2003 at KEK
  • Geant4 Tutorial (σˆδTjfor assembly volume in Advanced Features for novices
  • Geant4 •Χ‹­“ϊ‹L
  • Geant4 ƒ†[ƒU[‰οƒz[ƒ€ƒy[ƒW
  • ƒCƒ“ƒXƒg[ƒ‹‚ΜŽd•ϋ
  • Geant4 source
  • ‘ζ‚P‰ρGeant4 uK‰οF‹ί“‘u‹`OHP (pdf)

    Detecor design/description for GEANT4 goemetry input
    Send your comments on this page to kondo@kekvax.kek.jp

    Pixel Detector

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    Barrel Silicon Detector

    return to index

    Forward Silicon Detector

    return to index

    TRT Detector

    return to index

    SOLENOID and Barrel LAr Cryostat

    return to index

    Barrel EM Calorimeter

    return to index

    Endcap Calorimeters (EC-EM, EC-Had, FCA)

    return to index

    Tile Calorimeter

    return to index

    Barrel Toroid System

    return to index

    Endcap Toroid System

    return to index

    Muon System

    return to index