Takeshi K. Komatsubara
- Talks/Articles/Reviews/Publications/Workshops
!! Talks !!
(March 01, 2005)
"L-04: Letter of Intent for Study of Rare Decay K+ -> pi+ nu nubar
with Stopped Kaon Beam at J-PARC"
at the 2nd NPFC meeting for J-PARC
(KEK, June 26-28, 2003)
Talks at
NP02: International Workshop on Nuclear and Particle Physics at 50-GeV PS (Kyoto, Sep 27-29, 2002)
!! Articles !!
!! Reviews !!
!! Publications !!
- E787 Collaboration,
Phys.Rev.D 70(2004)037102, 4 pages
(published 25 Aug, print issue of 1 August 2004):
Further search for the decay K+ -> pi+ nu nubar
in the momentum region P_pi < 195 MeV/c
- T.Yoshioka, M.Nomachi and et al.,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 51(2004)334-339
(see SPIRES):
Upgrade of the Level-0 Trigger System for BNL-E949.
- FRONTIERS IN FLAVOR PHYSICS, Proceeings of the Fifth KEK Topical Conference on Frontiers in Flavor Physics
KEK, Tsukuba Japan, 20-22 November 2001
Edited by S.Hashimoto and T.K.Komatsubara
Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl) 111 (2002) NOVEMBER 2002.
- E787 Collaboration,
Phy.Lett. B537/3-4, pp 211-216
(accepted 6 May, printed issue of June 2002):
Search for K+ -> pi+ nu nubar in P < 195 MeV/c ("below Kpi2")
!! Workshops !!
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updated on 2015-March-07(Sat)