my finger plan

position :

Deputy Director (April 2021 --)
Professor (July 2011 --)
Associate Professor (May 2004 - June 2011)

affiliation :

Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS),
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan


Concurrently holds the position of
Division Head (April 2021 --)
Deputy Division Head (October 2013 - March 2021)
J-PARC Center, Particle and Nuclear Physics Division, Hadron Section (October 2013 --)
J-PARC Center, Particle and Nuclear Physics Division (April 2007 - September 2013)

Department of Particle and Nuclear Physics, School of High Energy Accelerator Science,
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies

in the past ..

position :

Assistant Physicist, having been called "Jyo-Shu" in Japan

affiliation :

April 1997 - 2004
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS),
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan

April 1992 - 1997
Institute for Nuclear Study (INS),
University of Tokyo, Japan

updated on 2023-August-19(Sat)