my miscellaneous tasks
- tasks in KEK
- a member of J-PARC Particle and Nuclear Physics Coordination
Committee (JPNC)
(2009 April-).
- tasks on J-PARC
- Supervisor in charge of the management of
J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility (HEF)
(2013 November-).
- Deputy Division Head of
the J-PARC Center, Particle and Nuclear Physics Division
(2013 October-).
- a staff member of
the J-PARC Center, Particle and Nuclear Physics Division, Hadron Section
(2013 October-).
- tasks in HEP community in Japan
- tasks in the physical society of Japan
- a member of the nomination advisory committee (2017 April - 2019 March).
- volunteering tasks
- a manager of
the KEK Indico System (2007 March-).
- training graduate students
working for Kaon Physics in Japan
(BNL E787/E949, KEK E391a and J-PARC E14 experiments).
tasks in the past
- a member of
the Organizing Committee for
J-PARC Symposium 2014,
July 12-15, 2014.
- a member of
the Organizing Committee for
KEK Summer Challenge 2010, 2011, 2012.
- an organizer of
the KEK-IPNS bi-weekly Friday-evening seminar ("Kin-Cha-Kai")
(2007 June-2011 March, chair in JFY2010).
- a chief secretary of
the Organizing Committee for
2009 Kaon International Conference (KAON09),
June 09-12, 2009
(2008 April -- 2010 February).
- a member of
the Organizing Committee for
KEK Summer Challenge 2009,
August 20-29, 2009
(2009 January -- August).
- a member of
the Local Organizing Committee for
Hints for new physics in flavor decays ,
March 20-21, 2009
(2008 December -- 2009 March).
- a member of
the Organizing Committee for
the 1st International Conference on
Technology and Instrumentation
in Particle Physics (TIPP09),
March 12-17, 2009
(2007 April -- 2011 July).
- a member of
the Organizing Committee for
KEK Summer Challenge 2008,
August 19-27, 2008
(2008 January -- August).
- a member of the Organizing Committee of
the NP08 International Workshop,
March 2008 (2007 December -- 2008 March).
- a convener of WG2: B/D/K decays of the workshop on
Flavour in the era of the LHC at CERN
(2005 August -- 2008 January).
- a member of
the Organizing Committee for
KEK Summer Challenge 2007,
August 21-29, 2007
(2007 Jan -- September).
- a member of the Local Organizing Committee for
the Sixth KEK Topical Conference (KEKTC6),
February 6-8, 2007
(2005 Sep -- 2007 Feb).
- a member of the
International Organizing Committee of
the CKM2006 workshop at Nagoya, Dec 12-16, 2006.
(2005 Dec -- 2006 Dec).
- a convener
of the parallel session on
"D, K and Tau Physics"
of the
"Joint Meeting of
Pacific Region Particle Physics Communities",
Honolulu, Hawaii at the
Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Oct 29-Nov 3, 2006
(2006 Jan--Nov).
coordinating kaon talks in the
parallel session 6 "Fundamental Symmetries"
of the PANIC05 conference
(2005 July-Nov).
- an organizer of
the Particle-Experiment
the Physical Society of Japan (2003 Nov-2004 Oct).
- a member of the Organizing Committee of
the NP04 International Workshop (August 2004).
- an organizer of
the KEK-IPNS Physics Seminar (2002 May-2004 Apr).
- a member of the Organizing Committee of
the Fifth KEK Topical Conference - Frontiers in Flavor Physics -,
KEK, November 20-22, 2001
(- 2001 Nov).
- a member of
the technical intra-review committee for the J-PARC T2K detector (2006 October).
- a member of
a special committee for reviewing Lepton Flavor Violation physics at KEK
(2006 December - 2007 March).
a member of
a special committee for reviewing KEK ATLAS-group activity
(2006 August - October).
a member
the last secretary) of
the KEK-PS Program Advisory Committee
(2004 November-2006 October).
a member of
the KEK-IPNS Research Planning Committee
(2004 November-2006 March).
tasks in KEK
tasks on J-PARC
- a staff member of
the J-PARC Center, Particle and Nuclear Physics Division
(2007 April-2013 September).
- a
shift crew
for construction and operation of the Hadron Experimental Hall
(2007 September-2013 September).
- chair of the weekly Hadron-Hall staff meeting (2012 July-2013 May).
- user support for the safety in the Hadron-Hall experiments.
- user support for computing in the Hadron-Hall experiments.
- a member of the committe for the J-PARC Open House (JFY2008, JFY2012).
- organization of the tour to the Hadron Hall (-JFY2011).
- a member of
the committees for
J-PARC compuitng systems (2007 January-2009 March).
- a member of
the WWW committee for J-PARC (2002 August-2009 September).
tasks in HEP community in Japan
updated on 2018-May-10(Thu)