Special Cosmophysics Seminar by invited speakers in academic year 2017:
Yuichi Takamizu (U of Tsukuba), 20th April, 2017(pdf)
Kenji Toma (Tohoku U), 8th June, 2017(pdf)
Clem Pryke (University of Minnesota), 13th June, 2017(pdf)
Tomohiro Fujita (Kyoto U), 15th June, 2017(pdf)
Takashi Hiramatsu (Rikkyo U), 19th, October, 2017(pdf)
Toyokazu Sekiguchi (RESCEU, U of Tokyo), 2nd, November, 2017(pdf)
Yoshiyuki Inoue (RIKEN), 2nd, December, 2017(pdf)
Aya Ishihara (Chiba U.), 16th, Janurary, 2018(pdf)