
Kaz KohriDr. Kazunori Kohri (Kaz)

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) (Main)
KEK IPNS Theory (Concurrent)
KEK QUP (Concurrent)
SOKENDAI (Concurrent)
Kavli IPMU, U of Tokyo (Concurrent)
Room: Main Building (South) 216
Tel: +81 422 34 3729


Academic Degree:
Ph. D in Physics [The University of Tokyo, 2000]

Major Field:
Theoretical Astrophysics / Cosmology / Astroparticle Physics
[Big-bang nucleosynthesis, Dark matter, Inflation, Gravitational wave, Cosmological quantum fluctuation, Black holes, Neutrino, CMB, 21cm line, Baryogenesis, Dark energy, Cosmic rays, Gamma-ray, X-ray, Accretion disks, ...]

List of papers (inSpires), (Google Scholar), and (ADS)
Writing (Essay/Column/Books/Tutorial Papers/Editorial supervising

Principal Investigator of the Theory Center project, "Fundamental Physics in the Universe"

The 2013 Yukawa-Kimura Prize [Details in English] [Details in Japanese]
The 2020 (The 25th) Outstanding Paper Award of the Physical Society of Japan Citation [English / Japanese]

Courses: Theoretical Astronomy Intensive course VII, Advanced Course of Cosmology (U Tokyo, Astromy Dept./SOKENDAI 2024-)
Courses: Astrophysics 2 (NAOJ/SOKENDAI/UTokyoAstromyDept. 2024-)
Supervisions of graduate students
Cources completed
Intensive courses, Astrophysics

Host of Postdoc :
Hosts of postdoc researchers

Other miscellaneous works
Deputy Director at Division of Science, NAOJ (2024- )
Next-generation Neutrino Science and Multi-messenger Astronomy Organization (NNSO) Steering Committee Member (2024- )
The public-relation officer at Division of Science, NAOJ (2023-)
LiteBIRD Collaboration Publication Board (IPB) (2021- )
KAGRA Collaboration Scientific Congress (KSC) Member (2020- )
Division of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation (DACG), Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) EXCO (2020 - ) (pdf)
A member of the editorial board for the KEK science comic (2011- )
The director of Quiz Competition at KEK Open Campus (2012- )
An organiser for the KEK-NAOJ joint seminar (2021-)
Works completed

Work Experiences:
JSPS DC Fellow at U of Tokyo, Japan (1998-2000)
COE Fellow at Kyoto U, YITP, Japan (2000-2002)
Research Fellow at RESCEU, U of Tokyo, Japan (2002-2003)
JSPS PD Fellow at Osaka U, Japan (2003-2004)
Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University / CfA, USA (2004-2006)
Research Associate at Lancaster University, UK (2006-2009)
Assistant Professor at Tohoku University, Japan (2009-2010)
Assistant Professor at IPNS KEK / Sokendai, Japan (2010-2012)
Lecturer at IPNS KEK / Sokendai, Japan (2012-2014)
Associate Professor at IPNS KEK / Sokendai, Japan (2014-2023)
Visiting scholar at U of Oxford, UK (2017-2018)
Affiliate member at Kavli IPMU, U of Tokyo, Japan (2019-)
Affiliate member at QUP KEK, Japan (2022-)
Professor at IPNS KEK, Japan (2023-2024)
Visiting Professor at IPNS KEK, Japan (2023-)
Professor at Division of Science, NAOJ, Japan / Sokendai, Japan (2023-)

Other information:

Outside Interests:
Saxophone, Baseball, Singing