Status of Hardware for Experiments (2012-09-08):
(Caut:130512) The roof has sprung:
Dec. 16 : little from a south drainspout due to Typhoone #26 attack.
May. 21 : more than 30L / 1d
May. 19 : more than 30L / 1d
May. w2 : more than 50L / 1d
Apr. w5 : more than 40L / 3d
Apr. w4 : more than 20L / 2d
Mar. w4 : more than 100L / 3d
(Anno:120814) Whole electricity shutdown will be held between Aug. 16-18 on schedule. All devices in my experimental room cannot be used Aug. 14-20.
Rough values of Electric power consumption for ordinary experiments at PS.EP1 power station.
00.6kW x 04h x 0 = 000kWh/day : LV for PS.
04.0kW x 01h x 0 = 000kWh/day : HV for PS, which depends on individual exp.
00.3kW x 24h x 1 = 007kWh/day : Vacuum system.
00.1kW x 04h x 1 = 001kWh/day : Computers.
02.5kW x 01h x 1 = 060kWh/day : PowerAVR#1 for AC100V.
01.3kW x 02h x 0 = 000kWh/day : PowerAVR#2 for AC200V, used only for HV-experiment.
00.9kW x 24h / 4 = 003kWh/day : Room lights. Half of total lights are used now to save electricity.
03.0kW x 24h x 0 = 000kWh/day : Air conditioners. 3kW for ventilation operation, and 9kW for conditioning.
Whole amount of averaged power is predicted 3 kW today.
Peak power for whole total systems in this power station is predicted 3 kW today.