Demin Zhou's webpage
Demin Zhou
Associate Professor of Accelerator Physics
Accelerator Division III, Accelerator Laboratory
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan
Phone: +81-29-864-5245 (O)
PHS: +81-29-864-1171 (Extension: 4932)
Fax: +81-29-864-3182
2011, Ph.D. in accelerator physics, SOKENDAI/KEK
2005, M.S. in accelerator physics, IHEP(Beijing)
2000, B.A., dual major in physics and economics, Peking University
2022.10-present: Associate professor in the accelerator physics group, KEK
2013.04-2022.09: Assistant professor in the accelerator physics group, KEK
2011.12-2013.03: Post-doc in the accelerator physics group, KEK
2005.06-2008.08: Assistant professor in the accelerator physics group, IHEP
2000.07-2002.08: Research associate in the SRF group, IHEP

1. Beam physics at KEKB and SuperKEKB

1.1 Overview

1.2 Single particle dynamics

1.3 Beam-beam interaction and luminosity

1.4 Space charge

1.5 Impedance budget

1.6 Single- and multi-bunch impedance-driven instabilities

1.7 Coherent synchrotron radiation

1.8 Electron cloud

1.9 Fast ion

1.10 Intra-beam scattering

1.11 Crab waist

1.12 Polarized electron beam

1.13 Beam instrumentation

2. Beam physics at future circular colliders

2.1 Overview

2.2 Beam-beam interaction and luminosity

2.3 HE-LHC

3. Useful links

3.1 Webpages at KEK

3.2 Computing codes

3.3 Work groups of accelerator physics

4. Related talks and publications

4.1 CSR and CWR

4.2 Collective effects: Space charge, impedance theories, impedance effects

4.3 SAD

4.4 Bmad

4.5 Nonlinear dynamics

4.6 Lattice translation

4.7 FELs

4.8 Miscellaneous

5. Scientific activities

6. Note