Participating Laboratories

Argonne National Laboratory, USA
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Japan


Why is the low-impedance cavity ?

Collaboration meeting

1st July 18, 1996 (RAL), 2nd February 24-25, 1998 (KEK), 3rd June 25, 1998 (Stockholm City Conference Centre)
4th February 22-23, 1999 (RAL), 5th November 4, 1999 (ANL), 6th October 16, 2000 (KEK)
7th August 5-7, 2002 (KEK), minutes May 1, 2003 (RAL) , 8th July 4, 2003 (RAL),
minutes March 24-26, 2004 (RAL) , 9th June 14-15, 2004 (ANL), minutes August 19-26, 2005 (RAL) ,
10th February 14, 2007 (videolink ANL/RAL), 11th June 26, 2007 (Albuquerque Convention Center),
12th January 18, 2008 (Cosener's House+teleconference to ANL),
13th October 13, 2017 (RAL). 

Participants List 


photo 1-5:          (October, 2000) power supply for final tube arrived at KEK from ANL
photo 6-9:          (October, 2000) cavity and bias supply arrived at KEK from ISIS
photo 10-13:       (March 2001) Low-output-impedance amplifier with cavity
photo 14-17:       (August 2002) 7th collaboration meeting
photo 18-20:       (February-March 2003) Shipping to ISIS
photo 21-24:       (July 2003) 8th collaboration meeting
photo 25:            (June 2004) 9th collaboration meeting
photo 26-46:       (November-December 2004) Preparations at MICE Hall (Phase I)
photo 47-68:       (August 2005) Experiments at MICE Hall (Phase I)
photo 69-75:       (November-December 2006) Move to Hall 2

photo 76-84:       (February 2007) LOI at Hall 2
photo 85-98:       (January 2008) LOI at Hall 2
photo 99-115:      (May-June 2008) LOI at Hall 2
photo 116-125:    (August 2008) LOI at Hall 2
photo 126-129:    (March 2009) BR capacitors replaced (Hall 2)
photo 130-141:    (October 2009) LOI at Hall 2
photo 142-151:    (January 2010) LOI at Hall 2
photo 152-166:    (November 2010) LOI at SP6
photo 167-173:    (February 2011) Ready for Beam at SP6
photo 174-176:    (April 2011) Beam at Last
photo 177-181:    (June 2011) LOI at SP6
photo 182-206:    (February 2012) LOI at SP6
photo 207-216:    (September 2012) Reaching 10kVp at SP6
photo 217-219:    (August-September 2013) Water Meadows
photo 220-222:    (October 2017) 13th collaboration meeting 

visit 1:                (May 2007) J-PARC and KEK
visit 2:                (June 2009) J-PARC and KEK

visit 3:                (March-April 2010) ISIS
visit 4:                (January 2011) J-PARC and KEK
Progress Notes
January,  2003     output impedance, RF voltage with swept frequency
May-Jun, 2004     WPR000, WPR001, WPR002, WPR003, WPR004, WPR005, WPR006, WPR007
Jul -Sep, 2004     WPR008, WPR009, WPR010, WPR011, WPR012, WPR013
Oct-Dec, 2004     WPR014, SUMMARY
Aug-Sep, 2005     LOI-01,LOI-02
Nov-Dec, 2006     LOI-03
February, 2007     LOI-04
June,      2007     see 11th Collaboration meeting (June 26, 2007)
January,  2008     see 12th Collaboration meeting (January 18, 2008)
May-Jun, 2008     memo
August,    2008     LOI-05

October,  2009     LOI-06
January,  2010     LOI-07
September,  2010 LOI-08
November,  2010  LOI-09
February,  2011    LOI-10
April,      2011      LOI-11, Archived Document ( Article @ISIS website ), Article @KEK website
June,      2011      LOI-12
February,   2012   LOI-13
September, 2012   LOI-14
Aug-Sep,   2013    LOI-15 Double-peak bunch structure 

Action Plan

Position paper
kek isis anl position paper


Staff members

Important Notes

Travels for this collaboration have been supported by the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Travel Grant by the British Council.
last update: December 29, 2024

For more information, mail to
rlk@aps.anl.gov (ANL), john.thomason@stfc.ac.uk (ISIS), yoshiro.irie@kek.jp (KEK).

KEK Accelerator Laboratory