Research Projects of FY2021
2021-001 Tsuneko Suzuki (RCNP, Osaka University)
Monte-Carlo study of color confinement mechanism due to violation of non-Abelian Bianchi identity -
2021-002 Tadashi Ishikawa (KEK)
Study of Numerical Feynman Loop Integration -
2021-003 Ryuichiro Kitano (KEK)
Stochastic numerical perturbative computation of lattice QED -
2021-004 Kohsuke Sumiyoshi (National Institute of Technology, Numazu College)
Study of supernovae and compact objects by neutrino-radiation hydrodyamics -
2021-005 Jun Nishimura (KEK)
Complex Langevin analysis of four-dimensional gauge theory with the theta term -
2021-006 Hideo Matsufuru (KEK)
Development of lattice QCD common code and efficient algorithms -
2021-007 Takashi Kaneko (KEK)
Application of large-scale lattice QCD simulation to particle phenomenology -
2021-008 Akihiro Shibata (KEK)
Study on the gauge invariant Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism on the lattice and color confinement