Research Projects of FY2019 test operation period
Research Projects for FY2019 test operation period
2019-T001 Tadashi Ishikawa (KEK)
Study of Numerical Feynman Loop Integration -
2019-T002 Takashi Kaneko (KEK)
Large-scale simulation of lattice QCD and its application to particle phenomenology -
2019-T003 Hideo Matsufuru (KEK)
Development of lattice QCD common code and efficient algorithms -
2019-T004 Kohsuke Sumiyoshi (National Institute of Technology, Numazu College)
Study of supernova explosions by neutrino-radiation hydrodyamics -
2019-T005 Yusuke Taniguchi (University of Tsukuba)
Study of energy-momentum tensor for Nf=2+1 full QCD using gradient flow -
2019-T006 Akihiro Shibata (KEK)
Study on the gauge invariant Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism on the lattice and color confinement -
2019-T007 Daisuke Kadoh (Keio University)
Tensor network approach to lattice quantum field theories