An Asymmetric Electron-Positron Collider for B Physics

KEKB internal

KEKB picture tour  Link  Units  

KEKB Roadmap new!             コライダーのビーム物理    
Competing Teams Plot Two Different Paths to a New Particle Smashernew!

One-day History of KEKB     Log
One-day History of Injection     log 
2-hour History      LER    HER   both   KEKB Status for i-mode         Fuji test beam line  
Last 7 Days status     Event display
KEKB History        

Luminosity Records     Integrated Luminosity exceeded 850 fb-1 !
Machine Parameters(NOV-15-2006)  history 
Machine Parameters(MAY-19-2008)  
Install HER cavity  LER movie 
Luminosity vs. CMS Energy       Peak Luminosity  1.7118 x 1034cm-2s-1   

Total Integrated Luminosity    K. Oide's scenario              INDICO  new!   
Daily Integrated Luminosity
Weekly Integrated Luminosity
Monthly Integrated Luminosity Belle Total Efficiency 
Peak Luminosity trend  alarm log
World Peak Luminosity trends  
operation log   ILC damping ring meeting   indico  new!
KEKB/Belle Records

Bunch-by-Bunch Luminosity Monitor    long range

SAD upgrade meeting 
LCPAC 2006
  KEKB review committee
KEKB 加速器、前人未踏のルミノシティ 10 34 cm-2 s-1を達成
pdf  ppt  機構セミナー, 5/14/2003
KEKB scales peak in luminosity
     CERN COURIER NEWS Volume 431 Number 61
KEKB status report 巡業セミナー(船越)
世界最強の加速 器 KEKBの挑戦
Annual report 2004     Annual Report 2005     巡業 by M. Masuzawa     kikutani1   kikutani2 
KEKB Apr. 2001-June 2002 
(for KEK Annual Report 2001)
KEKB Design Report      1日積分記録達成      カニの横歩き
KEKB Accelerator papers (submitted to NIM) 300 fb-1 を超える!     500 fb-1     衝突型加速器って何だろう      
「ビーム力学入門」      縦位置 
KEKBOperation Manual and Trouble Shooting
Japan's KEKB offers unprecedented luminosity
(CERN Courier Vol 41, No. 7)
Study of Electron Cloud, Ion Effects, and Synchrobetatron Resonances for KEKB,
SuperKEKB, and ILC Damping Ring     by F. Zimmermann
KEKB performance (PDF, in Japanese, 6/21/2001)
An introductory overview (Japanese text) of KEKB Commissioning Reports in PDF (4/2/2002)
(Accelerator Studies by F. Zimmenmann)
DAFNE-KEKB Workshop (Feb, 2002)

Committees and Work Groups  KCG Seminar
Accelerator Control System IUC    
RF status
Beam Monitor Group RSS1/XML RSS2/XML
Beam abort log Belle abort log

Bunch Feedback System Support group
Crab Cavity Group
Vacuum System KEKB photo
Instability Working Group


        KEK Accelerator Research Division         
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