KEK Computing Research Center
Seminar, workshop, etc.
at KEK -- outside of KEK --
KEK related
- 2013/10/2 13:30-15:00 Petabyte-scale computing for the LHC by Dr. Ian Bird, bldg.#3
- 2012/9/28 14:00-15:30 iRODS seminar, bldg.#4, room#127
- 2012/6/4-6 LSCP(Large Scale Computational Physics, a workshop in ICCS2012, in Omaha, Nebraska, US)
- 2011/12/17-18 HEPnet-J users' meeting (at Kinki Univ., in Japanese)
- 2011/12/12-14 Geant4 Training Course 2011 (at Epocal Tsukuba)
- 2011/9/6-9 iRODS workshop
- 2011/6/1-3 LSCP(Large Scale Computational Physics, a workshop in ICCS2011, at EPOCHAL, Tsukuba)
- 2010/12/20-22 FJKPPL workshop
- 2010/12/13-22 Geant4 workshop/training for Radiation Oncology
- 2010/10/30-31 HEPnet-J users' meeting (at Kamioka, in Japanese)
- 2009/12/7-13 Asia-Pacific Geant4 Workshop and Training Course 2009 (at EPOCHAL, Tsukuba)
- 2009/12/7-9 Accelerator board (in Japanese)
- 2009/10/2-3 HEPneht-J users' meeting (in Japanese)
- 2008/11/27-28 Japan-French Collaboration Meeting
- 2008/4/17-19
Geant4 Japan-French Collaboration Meeting (at Shikoku University Plaza, Tokushima)
- 2008/ 1/13-14 HEPnet-J users' meeting (at Okayama-u, in Japanese)
- 2007/ 6/ 1 The Virtual Photon Structure to the Next-to-next-to-leading Order in QCD by T.Ueda (KEK/CRC), CRC Meeting Room1 ( in Japanese )
- 2007/ 5/23 14:00 - 17:00 Lecture on Mathematica by Dr. Rob Knapp, CRC South Building Lecture Room
- 2007/ 4/19 Mini-workshop: Virtual organization for accelerator science ( in Japanese )
- 2007/ 3/6-7 HEPnet-J users' meeting ( in Japanese, KDS password required )
- 2006/ 3/9-10 HEPnet-J users' meeting ( in Japanese, KDS password required)
- 2006/ 1/26-27 Geant4 workshop, Kitazato U.
- 2005/11/21-22 HEP Data Grid Workshop at KEK
- 2005/ 3/17-18 HEPnet-J users' meeting, at Tohoku-u ( in Japanese, KDS password required )
- 2005/ 1/16-18 Geant4 workshop and tutorial, Ritsumeikan-U. ( in Japanese )
- 2004/12/6-7 HEP Data Grid Workshop at KEK
- 2004/10/12 2nd Workshop: Information system for J-PARC ( in Japanese )
- 2004/ 6/10 10:30- Computer security by Dr. Cris Gougans, at Meeting room #1, Computing Center.
- 2004/ 3/24 Workshop: Information system for J-PARC ( in Japanese )
- 2004/ 3/16-17 HEPnet-J users' meeting (at Niigata-u)
- 2004/ 1/16 Recent Work Experiences by Ma Mei, ICEPP
- 2003/12/8 - 12/11 Geant4 tutorial
- 2003/12/1 - 12/5 ACAT03, IX International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research
- 2003/11/21 13:30 - 14:30 JAS3 - A General Purpose Data Analysis Tool by Victor Serbo@SLAC, (Slide)
- 2003/10/28 13:30 - 14:30 QCDOC (in Japanese)
- 2003/7/15 9:30 - 7/16 17:00 1st PacifiGrid Conference (photos)
- 2003/3/11 13:30 - 3/12 15:00 HEPnet-J user's meeting (in Japanese)
- 2003/3/10 9:30 - 3/11 17:30 KEK Symposium on HEP Data Grid (in Japanese)
- 2003/1/30 13:30 - 14:30 PKI tutorial by SECOM (in Japanese)
- 2002/11/26 13:30 - 15:00 By A. Kimura (in Japanese)slide (pdf)
- 2002/11/22 15:00 - 17:00 By Y. Watase (in Japanese)
- 2002/3/28 13:00 - 29 15:00, HEPnet-J Users' Meeting (in Japanese)
- 2001/12/18 13:30-16:00, An explanation meeting for the introduction of KEK SecureNet
- 2001/11/ 8 13:30-14:30, CRC Seminar: GRID Security by Motonori HIRANO (SRA), (PPT, KEK only)
- 2001/10/29 15:00- , CRC Seminar: The DataGrid project by Dr. Fabrizio Gagliardi (CERN)
- 2001/3/20 13:00 - 21 12:30, HEPnet-J Users' Meeting (in Japanese)
- 2001/2/26 , Computing and networking in JHF (in Japanese)
- 2001/1/23&26 13:30-15:00, An explanation meetings: How to use the new Central Computer System
- 2001/1/9 14:00 - 15:00, (in Japanese)
- 2000/11/1 13:30, An explanation meeting for network and e-mail environments coming at KEK
- 2000/7/17 - 19, A course for beginners of Geant4
All lectures are given in Japanese.
- 2000/7/13 13:30, Worldwide Distributed Analysis and Data Grids by Prof. Harvey Newman, Caltech
- 2000/7/11 - 12, A class for ANSYS (in Japanese)
- 2000/5/25 10:30, Java Anaysis Studio by Dr. Tony Johnson, SLAC
Outside of KEK
* : Participant's from KEK Computing Research Center.
- 2009/4/16-23 ISGC 2009, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
* Iida Y., Sasaki T., Nozaki M.
- 2009/3/21-27 CHEP'09, Prague, Czech Republi.
- 2008/11/3-7 ACAT08, Sicily, Italy.
- 2008/10/20-24 Grid Camp and HEPiX Fall 2008, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
* Hashimoto K., Iida Y., Murakami T., Nakamura T., Yashiro S.
- 2008/10/6-11 Geant4 Collaboration Workshop and Users' Conference, Kobe U.
* Sasaki T., Murakami K., Iwai G., Kawabata S.
- 2007/10/16-19 Collider exp. software workshop, Geant4 workshop, Tohoku U.
- 2006/ 2/13- 17 Chep2006 (at T.I.F.R. Mumbai, India)
* Kawabata S., Kameoka S.
- 2005/ 5/22- 27ACAT2005, DESY Zeuthen
- 2004/ 9/27- 10/1 Chep2004 (at Interlaken, Switzerland)
* Watase Y., Iida Y., Yashiro S.
- 2004/ 8/26-27 HEP data grid workshop in Korea.
- 2004/ 6/16-17 ISGC2004(International Symposium on Grid Computing2004) at Taiwan
- 2004/ 3/16-17 HEPnet-J users' meeting (at Niigata-u)
- 2003/10/20-24 HEPiX 2003
- 2003/3/24-28 CHEP 2003
* Watase Y., Manabe A., Morita Y., Murakami K.,
- 2001/9/3-7 CHEP'01
* Watase Y., Karita Y., Manabe A., Morita Y., Yashiro S., Nakamura T., Hashimoto K. Sato H.
- 2001/6/5-7 2001 HPSS User's Forum
- 2001/4/17-20 18th IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage System and Technologies
KEK Computing Research Center