Sample of OL 番号振り

  1. type= { 1, a, A, i, I } are supported in HTML5.
    1. type=1 series
      1. type=a series
      2. type=a series
      1. type=A series
      2. type=A series
    2. type=1 series
      1. type=i series
      2. type=i series
    3. type=1 series
      1. type=I series
      2. type=I series

  2. start= (starting number) is supported in HTML5.
  3. Note that 'start=' is valid only in the case of numbers.

    1. first
    2. second
    3. third

    In the case of B, b, ii or II, available by using <ol type=..> and <li value=..>. Note that the value is numero (order from the top).

    1. first
    2. second
    3. third
