SSH port fowarding test
with SSH V1.2.27

Last update: 2001/5/30
Since 2001/5/29

Test is done with SSH Version 1.2.26 & SSH Version 1.2.27 environment.

  1. -L port fowarding.
    1. ftp via port-fowarding
      1. Local host (suppose hostname is lune)
          "sshdfwd-12345: localhost" in hosts.allow file.
          Not depends on "AllowTcpForwarding" in /etc/sshd_config
      2. Remote host (suppose hostname is soleil)
          "in.ftpd: localhost soleil" in hosts.allow file.
          Not depends on "AllowTcpForwarding" in /etc/sshd_config
      1. from localhost, make port.
          lune$ ssh -L 12345:soleil:21 soleil
          yashiro@soleil's password:
      2. from another terminal of localhost
          $ftp localhost 12345
          Connected to localhost.
          220 soleil FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready.
          Name (localhost:yashiro):
          331 Password required for yashiro.
          Password: Enter soleil's password
          230 User yashiro logged in.
          ftp> pass
          Passive mode on.
          ftp> ls

    2. -L port fowarding (case 1)
        lune$ ssh -L 12345:soleil:21 soleil
      Refer to "1.ftp via port-fowarding".

    3. -L port fowarding (case 2)
      1. Local host (suppose hostname is lune)
          "sshdfwd-12345: localhost" in hosts.allow file.
          Not depends on "AllowTcpForwarding" in /etc/sshd_config
      2. Remote host (suppose hostname is soleil)
          "in.ftpd: localhost soleil" in hosts.allow file.
          Not depends on "AllowTcpForwarding" in /etc/sshd_config
      1. from localhost, make port.
          lune$ ssh -L 12345:soleil:21 etoile
          yashiro@etoile's password:
      2. from another terminal of localhost
          $ftp localhost 12345
          Connected to localhost.
          220 soleil FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready.
          Name (localhost:yashiro):
          331 Password required for yashiro.
          Password: Enter soleil's password
          230 User yashiro logged in.
        Connection between lune and etoile is encripted by SSH. On the other hand, connection between etoile and soleil is regacy unsecure ftp.

    4. Errors
      1. If port-fowarding is not allowed by TCP wrappers
        Following error message will be issued when "ftp localhost 12345" is entered.
          Fwd connection from localhost to local port sshdfwd-12345 refused by tcp_wrappers.
      2. If ftp from localhost is not allowed by TCP wrappers
          lune% ftp localhost 12345
          Connected to localhost.
          421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
      3. If ftp is not allowed in /etc/inetd.conf
          Same as above.

  2. How "AllowTcpForwarding no" works.
    1. "AllowTcpForwarding no" is a parameter to control -R port.
      If it is put in etoile:/etc/sshd_config denys the following accesses.
      1. Denys -R port fowarding.
          lune$ ssh -R 12345:soleil:21 etoile
          yashiro@etoile's password:
          etoile$ ftp localhost 12345
          ftp: connect: Connection refused

    2. This parameter does not deny -L port fowarding.