========================================================================== V1.1c: The first released version ========================================================================== << V1.1c --> V1.1d >> (May 11, 2001) In all of the Makefiles and set_grape, 'FFLAGS=-fast' has been changed into '-O' because '-fast' causes a bus error when calling XHINIT in 'kinit_4f.f' on SunOS. ========================================================================== << V1.1d --> V1.1e >> (May 31, 2001) On some other platforms than SunOS, the block data are not loaded unless specified. The option: "-Wl,-u -Wl,pydata_" has been included in the file: "set_grape" to load the block data: PYDATA. GRAPE uses subprocess ID numbers above 300 to escape conflicts with the built-in processes in PYTHIA. There seems to be, however, some processes with a subprocess ID number larger than 300 in the recent version of PYTHIA. Therefore the minimum value of the subprocess ID in GRAPE has been changed into 401. ========================================================================== << V1.1e --> V1.1f >> (July 19, 2001) A strange distribution on Q2p was reported by Cristinel Diaconu (H1) for quasi-elastic processes with Q2p>1000GeV^2 and Mhad<5GeV. This region is far from the fitting region used by Brasse et. al, so that a cut of Q2p<100GeV^2 is automatically applied if a minimum cut for Mhad is less than 2GeV, i.e. in case of using the Brasse et. al parameterization, which is done in 'kinem_auto_tune.h'. ========================================================================== << V1.1f --> V1.1g >> (Aug. 9, 2001) A bug reported by Victor Lenderman (H1) was fixed. Using the integer function: KF_from_SOPHIA in 'routines_usr.f', particle codes of SOPHIA are converted into KF codes which are passed to JETSET. The KF code of the photon was wrong (21: gluon), and is now correct one (22). Quasi-elastic processes where protons are dissociated with a large mass and JETSET is used in the simulation of the hadronic final state are affected. ========================================================================== << V1.1g --> V1.1h >> (Sep. 24, 2001) Minor bugs in 'kinem_4f.f', 'KFencode'(in routines_usr.f) and 'read_cards.f' were fixed. ========================================================================== << V1.1h --> V1.1i >> (Sep. 30, 2001) Minor bugs in 'pyupev.f' and 'mainsp.f' were fixed. (Thanks to Boris Leissner(H1).) ========================================================================== << V1.1i --> V1.1j >> (May 23, 2002) A new cut was introduced for a variable 'u' which is defined as formula (10) in the CPC paper. You can set the cut in grape.cards as follows: C ------------ C << u-cut >> UCUT [u_min] [u_max] C ------------ where [u_min] < u < [u_max] is required. If this card is not specified, u > 25 GeV^2 is applied only for DIS processes including diagrams other than the Bethe-Heitler ones as described in the CPC paper. Only the three files: 'read_cards.f', 'kinem_auto_tune.h' and 'routines_usr.f' were modified. ========================================================================== << V1.1j --> V1.1k >> (Dec. 4, 2002) A special cut-set was introduced to get high event-selection efficiencies in 3-e analyses, where final-state three electrons/positrons are treated identically in the cut-set. Following is an example of the newly-introduced cards (except for IVISI): C ------------ C (IVISI should be zero to use the following special selection[D-F].) IVISI 0 C C (Logic: [D].OR.[E].OR.[F] ===> accepted) C C (Cut_set[D]) L3DCUT TRUE C TH3DMIN 8. 8. 1. TH3DMAX 172. 172. 179. E3DMIN 0. 0. 7. E3DMAX 1.E20 1.E20 1.E20 P3DMIN 0. 0. 0. P3DMAX 1.E20 1.E20 1.E20 PT3DMIN 0.1 0.1 0. PT3DMAX 1.E20 1.E20 1.E20 M12CUT3D 1.5 300. Q2CT3DME 0. 1.E20 Q2CT3DOB 1. 1.E20 C C (Cut_set[E]) L3ECUT TRUE C TH3EMIN 6. 1. 1. TH3EMAX 172. 50. 179. E3EMIN 0. 1. 7. E3EMAX 1.E20 1.E20 1.E20 P3EMIN 0. 0. 0. P3EMAX 1.E20 1.E20 1.E20 PT3EMIN 0.1 0. 0. PT3EMAX 1.E20 1.E20 1.E20 M12CUT3E 1.4 300. Q2CT3EME 0. 1.E20 Q2CT3EOB 1. 1.E20 C C (Cut_set[F]) L3FCUT TRUE C TH3FMIN 35. 110. 110. TH3FMAX 174. 179. 179. E3FMIN 0. 1. 7. E3FMAX 1.E20 1.E20 1.E20 P3FMIN 0. 0. 0. P3FMAX 1.E20 1.E20 1.E20 PT3FMIN 0.1 0. 0. PT3FMAX 1.E20 1.E20 1.E20 M12CUT3F 1.3 300. Q2CT3FME 0. 1.E20 Q2CT3FOB 1. 1.E20 C ------------ which means the following selection: {Cut_set[D] .OR. Cut_set[E] .OR. Cut_set[F]} where Cut_set[D]: (for the medium-W sample) Lepton1: 80.1GeV/c && Lepton2: 80.1GeV/c && Lepton3: 17GeV && Q2>1GeV^2 && 1.5GeV < (Mass of Lepton1+2) < 300GeV, Cut_set[E]: (for the low-W sample) Lepton1: 60.1GeV/c && Lepton2: 11GeV && Lepton3: 17GeV && Q2>1GeV^2 && 1.4GeV < (Mass of Lepton1+2) < 300GeV, Cut_set[F]: (for the high-W sample) Lepton1: 350.1GeV/c && Lepton2: 1101GeV && Lepton3: 1107GeV && Q2>1GeV^2 && 1.3GeV < (Mass of Lepton1+2) < 300GeV. In the above, all of the combinations of assigning {e+,e-,e} to {L1,L2,L3} are calculated, and if any combination satisfies Cut_set[?], the cut-set is cleared. 'Q2' is calculated from the incoming lepton and L3. Note that this set of cuts are applied in addition to the usual selection (THMIN, MASSLL, etc.). The meanings of the new cards are as follows: L3?CUT : switch of the Cut_set[?], TH3?MIN : minimum polar angles of L1,L2,L3 in degree, TH3?MAX : maximum polar angles of L1,L2,L3 in degree, E3?MIN : minimum energies of L1,L2,L3 in GeV, E3?MAX : maximum energies of L1,L2,L3 in GeV, P3?MIN : minimum momenta of L1,L2,L3 in GeV/c, P3?MAX : maximum momenta of L1,L2,L3 in GeV/c, PT3?MIN : minimum transverse momenta of L1,L2,L3 in GeV/c, PT3?MAX : maximum transverse momenta of L1,L2,L3 in GeV/c, M12CUT3? : range of the invariant mass of the {L1,L2} system in GeV, Q2CT3?ME : range of Q2 of L3 in GeV (without ISR), Q2CT3?OB : range of Q2 of L3 in GeV (with ISR). WCT3?ME : range of W of L3 in GeV (without ISR), WCT3?OB : range of W of L3 in GeV (with ISR). XCT3?ME : range of x of L3 in GeV (without ISR), XCT3?OB : range of x of L3 in GeV (with ISR). YCT3?ME : range of y of L3 in GeV (without ISR), YCT3?OB : range of y of L3 in GeV (with ISR). To get enough precision, NCALL=4000000 is recommended. Only the four files: 'read_cards.f', 'kinem_4f.f', 'routines_usr.f' and 'inc/graepia.h' were modified. ========================================================================== (EOF)