Specially Appointed Professor, Doctor of Philosophy
Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science
Faculty of Science, Japan Women's University
2-8-1 Mejirodai, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8681, Japan
Professor Emeritus, Diamond Fellow (KEK), Professor Emeritus (Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
KEK Theory Center, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801, Japan
Research areas: Theoretical physics, Hadron physics, Structure functions of hadrons
The nucleon and nuclei consist of elementary particles, quarks and gluons. It is important to describe the nucleon and nuclei in terms of quark and gluon degrees of freedom for finding new physics beyond the standard model, for investigating properties of quark and gluon plasma in heavy-ion reactions, and for clarifying fundamental mechanisms of nucleonic and nuclear structure. In particular, I have been investigating parton distribution functions, fragmentation functions, and high-energy hadron reactions for clarifying the structure of the nucleon and nuclei. Recent interests include the origin of nucleon spin, nucleon tomography, and exotic hadrons. The details of research activities are found in the following web pages.
Paper list Talks Paper list by Inspire (Journal only) , Google Scholar Vitae (short) date: 2025-01-06
Curriculum vitae.html (pdf) 2024-10-05 Research history.html (pdf) 2024-10-17 Paper list.html (pdf) 2024-10-17 Talk list.html (pdf) 2024-12-23
Resarch-highlights.html (pdf) 2024-04-01 Resarch-short-summary.html (pdf) 2024-03-23 Papers-high-citations.html (pdf) 2025-01-06 Developed codes for users in particle and nuclear physics
Polarized PDFs AAC polarized PDFs of the nucleon can be calculated at given x and Q2. Nuclear PDFs Nuclear PDFs can be calculated at given x and Q2. Fragmentation Fragmentation functions can be calculated at given z and Q2. Q2 evolution Programs are provided for Q2 evolutions of unpolarized and longitudinally-polarized PDFs, transversity, and fragmentation functions. (Codes could be obtained upon email request.)