Personal page of Eiji Nakamura
----------- Bowling -----------
Eiji Nakamura
Y2010: 2,602/19G = ave.137; 141pts/G for recent ten games.
Y2010: 2,602/19G = ave.137; 141pts/G for recent ten games.
#0019: 150 (x3,/3)
#0018: 086 (x1,/0)
#0017: 145 (x2,/3)
#0016: 113 (x2,/1)
#0015: 163 (x4,/2) 20101222 at Ushiku Sound Bowl.
#0014: 181 (x5,/3)
#0013: 173 (x3,/5)
#0012: 103 (x1,/2)
#0011: 147 (x3,/3)
#0010: 149 (x3,/3)
#0009: 142 (x4,/1) slp.make
#0008: 112 (x1,/3)
#0007: 141 (x3,/3)
#0006: 141 (x3,/3)
#0005: 138 (x3,/1) turkey! 20100618 at Sound Ushiku ave 133.0
#0004: 139 (x1,/5)
#0003: 137 (x2,/3)
#0002: 159 (x3,/4)
#0001: 123 (x1,/3) 20100508 at SPOLE BOWL ave 139.2
20100508 at SPOLE BOWL : 4G, Ave. 139.2
#01: [9/ [8/ [X- [9- [9- s81 [7- [7/ [7- [8-- : 123 (1-3/1:120)
#02: s8- [X- [9- [9/ s72 [9/ [X- [9/ [X- [9/7 : 159 (3-4/2:160)
#03: [9- s8- [X- [7/ [9- [9- [9/ [7/ [X- [71- : 137 (2-3/1:135)
#04: s81 [71 s81 [9- [8/ [8/ [9/ [9/ [9- [7/X : 139 (1-5/2:140)
To a personal site of Eiji Nakamura.
To KEK-PS Kicker Group site.
To the KEK-PS site.
To 500MeV p-AR Site
To KEK-PS-MR EP1 Radiation
Trip Report to CERN-PS Septum Group.
To the ERL site.
To the KEK official site.
Personal Information
E. Nakamura (renewed on May 13th, 2009.)