Level - C - 2 : ......... Solution of Physic formulae
Eiji Nakamura
Solutions of mathematic equations
SE-9101 (130108) : Integ. Inverse of 1 + a sin x, updated on th, 201.
To a personal site of Eiji Nakamura.
*** Level-A : Representative published papers.
*** Level-B : References.
*** Level-C : PADN (Particle Accelerator Development Notes).
*** KAKENHI 21540310.
*** KAKENHI 25286089.
To KEK-PS Kicker Group site.
To the KEK-PS site.
To 500MeV p-AR Site
To KEK-PS-MR EP1 Radiation
Trip Report to CERN-PS Septum Group.
To the ERL site.
To the KEK official site.
Old Version URL
Personal Information
E. Nakamura (opened on June 4th, 2009.)