ERL Conceptual Design Report(ERL CDR)の編集作業について

7月2,3日に予定されているERL国際レビューに合わせて、3月14日からお手元に配布しているERL Preliminary Design Report(ERL PDR)をCDRに更新するための編集作業を進めています。PDRではERLのサイエンスケースの分量を絞ってChapter 3にまとめておりましたが、これをChapter 3と4に分け、その分量を増やします。またPDRの段階ではまだ記述が不十分であった加速器開発、ビームライン、検出器開発の内容について適宜改訂を行います。


【ERL Conceptual Design Reportの構成案】( )内は取りまとめの担当者

Chapter 1 Executive summary (足立伸)

Chapter 2 Why ERL is needed (足立伸)

Chapter 3 Enabling methodologies (足立伸)
3-1. Diffraction Imaging using coherent beams
3-2. Macromolecular structure from nanocrystals
3-3. Capturing ultrafast phenomena
3-4. Coherent nanobeam and imaging
3-5. X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy

Chapter 4 Science cases
4-1. Photosynthesis research (足立伸)
4-1-1. Natural photosynthesis
4-1-2. Oxygen evolving manganese complex in photosystem II

4-2 Catalysis (阿部)
4-2-1. Overview of catalytic reaction researches
4-2-2. Heterogeneous catalysts in nanoscale order
4-2-3. Real-time observation of surface reactions

4-3. Strongly correlated electron systems (熊井)
4-3-1. Overview of strongly correlated electron systems
4-3-2. Organic electronic device
4-3-3. Orderings of electronic degrees of freedom
4-3-4. Dynamics of skyrmion crystal
4-3-5. Electronic structure of transition metal oxides films
4-3-6. Electronic structure at the surface and interface of magnetic thin films
4-3-7. Dynamics in strongly correlated electron systems
4-3-8. Multiferroic materials
4-3-9. Photo-induced phase transition –experiment and theory-
4-3-10. Electronic structure of transition metal compounds

4-4. Materials under extreme conditions (船守(東大))
4-4-1. X-ray spectroscopy under high-pressure
4-4-2. Amorphous materials
4-4-3. High pressure physics
4-4-4. Earth science

4-5. Environmental sciences (阿部)
4-5-1. Behaviors of trace elements in plants based on XRF-XAFS analysis
4-5-2. Formation processes of dioxines by XAFS
4-5-3. Environmental behaviors of various elements by speciation analysis

4-6. Life sciences (川崎)
4-6-1. Introduction
4-6-2. Extremely large complexes (except membrane proteins)
4-6-3. Membrane protein complexes
4-6-4. Photo synthesis
4-6-5. Epigenetics

Chapter 5 Accelerator (小林幸)
5-1. Overview
5-2. Beam dynamics issues
5-3. Electron gun
5-4. Superconducting cavity for injector Linac
5-5. Superconducting cavity for main Linac
5-6. RF sources
5-7. Cryogenics
5-8. Magnet for 3-GeV ERL
5-9. Vacuum
5-10. Beam diagnostics
5-11. Insertion Devices
5-12. XFEL oscillator (XFEL-O)

Chapter 6 Beamlines (河田)
6-1. Introduction
6-2. R&D items for optical elements
6-3. R&D items for instrumentation

Chapter 7 Detector developments (岸本)


7月2,3日: ERL国際レビューで配布
7月~8月:レビューでの意見を反映させ、再編集ののち、KEK Reportとして出版