2018 SSRI-PNS Collaboration Meeting
September 4, 2018, RIKEN-Wako

SSRI-PNS (Stop and Slow RI Precise Nuclear Spectroscopy) collaboration meeting will be held at RIKEN on September 4 (Tue.) 2018.

SSRI-PNS collaboration is a platform for managing and promoting the science with the following facilities at the RIKEN RIBF facility:

The collaboration encourages extensive investigation of the ground state or isomeric state properties by applying low-energy spectroscopy technique, such as mass measurement, decay measurement, laser spectroscopy and NMR spectroscopy with relevant devices to be used or constructed.

Recently, mass measurements with MRTOF-MS (Multi-Reflection Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrograph) become active since great successes at GARIS-II. The third prototype SLOWRI will be commissioned at the end of the ZeroDegree spectrometer. There is a possibility to share the RI beams between the ZeroDegree experiments and MRTOF mass measurements at the prototype SLOWRI. In the meeting, we will discuss such "symbiotic" experiments in addition to pre-proposals as well as the status of the relevant experimental setups.

The meeting will be held during the RIBF week 2018 from 3rd to 7th, September, where the RIBF Users Meeting 2018 will be held from 5th to 6th. You can find the information about the RIBF week on the following web site,


They have a dinner on 5th September, 2018, and you can register on the above web site to attend it.

If you are interested in, participation to the meeting is greatly appreciated.

Date:4th September, 2018
Place:RIKEN, Nishina Hall on the 2nd floor of Nishina Building


4th September, Tuesday

   9:30-10:00  Registration

  10:00-10:10  Opening, M. Wada (KEK WNSC)

Session 1: Facility status, GARIS + MRTOF
Chair: Y. Watanabe (KEK WNSC)
  10:10-10:40  "Present status of KISS", Y. Hirayama (KEK WNSC)
  10:40-11:00  "Recent results, present status, and near future plans and opportunities for
                              MRTOF-based experiments at SLOWRI and KISS", P. Schury (KEK WNSC)
  11:00-11:20  "Present status of SLOWRI", H. Ishiyama (RNC)
  11:20-11:50  "Status of superheavy element search at RNC", K. Morimoto (RNC)
  11:50-12:10  "Direct Measurement of Atomic Number of SHE Search at GARIS",
                              K. Fujita (Kyushu Univ.)

  12:10-13:40 Lunch

Session 2: ZeroDegree + MRTOF
Chair: S. Nishimura (RNC)
  13:40-14:15  Pre-proposal 1 "Measuremnts of Th-229 low lying isomeric state",
                              T. Isobe (RNC)
  14:15-14:40  "Nuclear Symmetry Energy Probed by Radii and Mass Measurements",
  	       		      M. Takechi (Niigata Univ.)
  14:40-15:00  "Symbiotic In-Beam Programs with ZD-MRTOF", P. Doornenbal (RNC)
  15:00-15:25  "Accessible region of nuclear chart with BigRIPS and ZeroDegree at RIKEN
                              RIBF", N. Fukuda (RNC)

  15:25-15:50  Break

Session 3: ZeroDegree + MRTOF, Discussion
Chair: M. Wada (KEK WNSC)
  15:50-16:15  "Symbiotic Decay Programs with ZD-MRTOF", S. Nishimura (RNC)
  16:15-17:10  Discussion

  17:10-17:20  Closing, H. Miyatake (KEK WNSC)